Year Four have been working their socks off again this week. We have been learning about and exploring fraction in Maths and been showing off our wonderful Year Four quality writing, inspired by The hundred mile an hour dog by Jeremy Strong. We have also started our new science topic by showing what we think […]
Category Archives: Science
Explanations in Year One
Year One have been practising their explanations this week, linked to their Science work on growing plants 🌱 They used team work to act out the plant life cycle, planted their own seeds and will be writing an explanation about how seeds grow this week during their English non-fiction writing. We can’t to wait to […]
Year Six Investigate
For our science topic, Evolution and Inheritance, children have investigated whether a human’s height determines the size of other body features. First of all, we planned out the experiment, considering what we would change and what we would keep the same in order to make the test fair. We then made a prediction about what […]
Year Three Super Science!
Year Three have completed some more amazing science work this week. They have been investigating magnetic materials to help design a new magnetic toy car. They have been observing closely and have planned a fantastic investigation. Well done Year Three!
World Water Day
Today, the children at Hillside have celebrated World Water Day with Severn Trent. The children took part in a live-streamed assembly where they learnt about the journey water takes at Severn Trent and as part of the water cycle.
Nursery’s Fantastic Learning!
This week Nursery have been back up to the woods for the first time since returning to school and they had such an amazing time. The children were very grown up and took the ipads around to take photos of anything they could spot to show that spring was coming. We were very proud of […]
Back to School for Year Four
It has been wonderful having everyone in Year Four back where they belong! We have had a super busy week working together again, and as part of British Science Week, we have been involved in a STEM challenge to build the tallest tower, been identifying, classifying and sorting solids, liquids and gases and been observing […]
Welcome Back Year Three
It’s been fantastic to see all Year Three’s smiles back in school this week. They have settled back in beautifully and have been working so hard already! As part of British Science Week, we have been investigating materials and forces. We explored how some solid materials can change and had a competition to see who […]
Welcome Back Year Five
Year Five have made a super return back to school this week. They have been celebrating British Science Week by conducting scientific enquiries for our materials topic. For their first enquiry they went outside to observe which materials they could identify and the properties of them. Afterwards, they used these properties to explain why the […]
Nursery’s Investigation for British Science Week
As part of British Science Week, Nursery have been learning about the importance of washing our hands to get rid of the nasty germs. We talked about how important it is to use soap when washing our hands and then used pepper (as the germs) and investigated what happened when we don’t use soap and […]