Harvest and pizza making in Year Four

Following a super successful Harvest assembly, learning about the travel miles of a pizza, Year Four thought it only right to make their own pizzas, and what a success they were! Yum!  

Year One’s Mystery Reader

Thank you to Mr Coates who came in and shared two stories with us! We loved the Halloween themed ‘Funny Bones’ and laughed at the dog saying FOOW instead of WOOF when he’d been put back together wrong! We also loved hearing one of our Author of the Term stories too about Winnie the Witch! […]

Mental Health Assembly

This week is mental health awareness week and Mrs Rushton led an assembly about how to look after ourselves! We had a brilliant time boogeying to Justin Timberlake and talking about how we can keep ourselves happy, healthy and safe. We also thought about how being kind can help each other to be happy, healthy […]