Mrs Rushton shared the most beautiful book she has ever read as part of her assembly about mental health and kindness, ‘The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse’ by Charles Mackesy. During the assembly we talked about how important you are, what a difference you can make and how being kind can have […]
Category Archives: PSHE
Pancake Day in Nursery
Nursery have celebrated Shrove Tuesday by tasting pancakes! They had a choice of lemon and sugar or chocolate sauce. They were thoroughly enjoyed.
Relaxing in Year One
Thank you to Claire from Relax Kids who came to school to work with Year One. She will be completing a six week programme to work on their breathing, relaxing and calming skills! The session began in the forest searching for animals, continued with some monkeying around and ended with some mindful yoga and breathing […]
Fire fighting in Year One!
Year One have linked their History and Science learning by finding out which material would be best to help put out a great fire at Hillside! They tested six different materials and found out that plastic and metal were the best to carry water! They also found out which were the worst as some of […]
Year One get musical!
Year One have created their own class band, singing their own rendition of ‘London’s Burning!’ They worked hard to listen to the beat, sing tunefully and even managed to sing it as part of a round which was very tricky to begin! Why not ask them to sing it to you tonight? 🎵
Mental Health Week 2020
Yesterday saw the start of Mental Health Awareness week! The children took part in an assembly about how to ‘find their brave’ and tackle challenges bravely, how to ask for help if they feel they need it and considered how important it is to always be kind to others. They also took part in a […]
Nursery’s Special Visitors
We had a special visit from two police officers, PCSO Derry and PC Rhodes! They talked to us about their uniform and what their job entails. They let us pass the handcuffs and the baton around- we were surprised at how heavy they were! They took us outside and showed us their police car. We […]
Year One’s Maths
Year One have been working in teams this week to figure out tricky place value challenges as well as ordering and sequencing using their new knowledge of tens and ones! They had to work out what each picture representing and then order from smallest to biggest in value! They worked well together and then applied […]
Year One’s Mystery Readers
Thank you to everyone who has been in to Year One to read over the last few weeks of 2019 and the first few weeks of 2020! We loved hearing Christmas stories from Marnie’s mummy as well as rhyming stories, action stories, number stories and funny stories from Eva’s nan, Dexter, Riley and Mary’s mummy’s! […]
Year One are computer wizards!
Year One have been learning about how to stay safe online, using their Purple Mash logins to create their own avatar. They know that they shouldn’t share any personal information online including their photographs and also know that they must tell an adult if they see anything online that they do not like. They made […]