The children in Year One are having a fab day raising awareness and money for Children in Need! We began the day by talking about their amazing pledges – well done to the cake cookers, cake eaters, book readers, star jumpers, runners and hoppers who have all completed five or six of their chosen activity! […]
Category Archives: PSHE
Children in Need in Reception
Reception have had lots of fun for Children in Need today. We have made Pudsey biscuits, masks, play dough, colourings and paintings. Daisy also shared her Pudsey pledge with us, she completed 5 cartwheels for children in Need! She was fantastic and we are all so proud of her.
Year One’s Wedding
Year One have been learning about how people belong as part of their RE lessons. Today they took part in a Jewish wedding! They handled Jewish artefacts, the wedding took place under a Chuppa and they decorated and wrote promises on the Ketubah, their wedding certificate. Everyone particularly enjoyed dancing to the Jewish wedding music […]
Guy Fawkes Fun
Reception have had a lovely time this week learning all about Guy Fawkes and the origin of Bonfire Night. Here the children are reenacting the story of The Gunpowder Plot in the woods, which they loved and found fascinating. As part of this topic, we also discussed the differences between life then and now and […]
Year One’s Seasonal Poetry
Year One have become poets today, learning and reciting a seasonal poem by Frances Alexander! They worked in teams to spot the rhyme, learn the words and even add actions to the poem, considering how seasons change and what clothing they would need. Great dramatic poetry reading – we can’t wait to hear your own […]
Year Three Treat Day
After an amazing first half term and a fantastic treat day. They have shown incredible resilience and have worked their socks off all half term. Here are some photos from our day – creating salt paintings and on a scavenger hunt in the woods.
PTFA Autumn Competition
Thank you to all of the children (and parents!) who took part in our Autumn competition! Here are the deserved winners from each year group, who created amazing designs using paint, crayons, collage and excellent art skills! Well done to every one who entered – we were blown away by your awesome designs! Thank you […]
Year Six Treat Day
Year Six are enjoying an afternoon of watching ‘Cloudy with a chance of meatballs’ with a goodie bag of sweets and drinks for the penultimate activity of their well-deserved treat day. They have already spent the day on computers, doing craft activities and watching DVDs. They will wrap the day up this afternoon doing ‘social […]
Story and Rhyme Craft Club
Year One have been enjoying stories as part of their crafting after school! So far we’ve read stories about a kind hedgehog, the scary Gruffalo and a monster party. We’ve made hedgehogs, headbands, tiny mice, bats and spiders that wriggle! Everyone has worked extremely hard and we can’t wait for more story and rhymes after […]
Drama in Year One
Year One have loved reading, sequencing, retelling and acting the story of ‘The Lost Wolf’ by Mini Grey. They have completed freeze frames for the different scenes from the story, and using the language from the book, retold the story in their own words! Their acting skills were amazing and the main character, Little Red, […]