Year Three had a very creative day yesterday. They created Stone Age cave art using pigments and water to add colour, just like the original cave artists would have done. Then they used the technique of mono printing to add their design. We are so impressed with their final art work!
Category Archives: PSHE
Year Three’s visit to Caudwell Children’s Centre
On Wednesday, some members of Year Three were invited to explore the Caudwell Children’s Centre in Keele. They took part in lots of crafty activities and took part in a scavenger hunt in the sensory garden.
Year One’s Jan Griffier Art
Year One have been finding out about Jan Griffier and studying his artwork closely. They have created their own masterpieces in the style of his painting created in 1675 – a few years after the Great Fire of London. They used different paints to create a wash, add a foreground of buildings and houses and […]
Judaism in Year One
Year One have been finding out more about sacred places today as part of their RE learning. They’ve been investigating artefacts from inside the synagogue, handling special artefacts and thinking about their jobs. They particularly liked the Yad which is a silver pointer used to read the Torah and the menorah which holds candles during […]
RSE Day 2021
At Hillside today we have all been thinking about healthy relationships as part of RSE Day. We have talked about what makes a healthy relationship and our friendships. We used words like kind, caring, smiley, compassionate, respectful, thoughtful and many others! We all talked about how we care for others and others can care for […]
Nursery’s Father’s Day Picnic
Thank you so much to the special visitors on Friday that came to share a picnic with their children. We hope you enjoyed the time as much as the children did. We hope you all had a lovely Father’s day and liked your bag of treats 🙂
NHS Career’s Day
The children have had a very informative day learning about many of the different career options available within the NHS. We have been very lucky to have parents and family/friends who work for the NHS doing Zoom calls during the morning to give an insight into some of the roles on offer, the children loved […]
Year Three’s Science Share
This week, as part of the Great Science Share, Year Three asked the question ‘How are rocks formed?’. We used chocolate to create models of sedimentary rock and then used different methods to compact our rocks to turn them into metamorphic rock. Finally, we applied heat to create igneous rocks. We also enjoyed reading ‘This […]
Year One’s Star Bakers!
As part of our learning in English about how to write instructions, we have had to follow them! We baked our own bread, talking about Thomas Farrinor and his bakery in London where the Great Fire began. We followed carefully, didn’t miss any steps and creating a cracking brown loaf and a focaccia too – […]
Year One’s Subtraction
Year One have been working hard this week, finding subtraction number bonds to 10 and 20 as well as using a number line to subtract. They love to start their work practically, working in pairs or teams to solve problems and are expert apparatus handlers! They’ve also been very posh, using ‘subtraction’ instead of ‘take […]