In PE this week, Year Three have worked in pairs to create some fantastic gymnastic sequences using a variety of different floor shapes. They have shown amazing creativity and team work and have helped each other to improve their shapes. Well done Year Three!
Category Archives: PSHE
Nursery: Our Bodies
This week Nursery have started their learning all about themselves. We have looked carefully at the body template and identified the different parts of the body. We then sang heads, shoulders, knees and toes and as a challenge tried to sing it really fast – ask your child to show you at home and see […]
Transport Poems in Year One
Year One have created their own incredible poems this week, linking to our topic work on travel and transport. We have ordered verses and lines, added missing punctuation, listened for rhyme and talked about how different transport would move and where it would go. We then rewrote ‘Row, row, row your boat’ and performed it […]
Year Six’s English lesson in the woods
To supplement our learning of figurative language in tension writing, children have been up to the woods to find things that they can bring to life with personification, metaphors and similes. They used their senses to take in the environment and made some wonderful comparisons. Here are some of the sentences they wrote: “The leaves […]
PSHE in Year Three
This week, we’ve been looking at diversity in PSHE. We talked about how important it is to celebrate our differences and created jigsaw pieces which show all the of the interesting things about us that make our classroom diverse. When they are finished, we will put them together to make a Year Three jigsaw which […]
Welcome back Year Three!
Year Three have had a super start to the term and have already amazed us all with their fantastic hard work. We have delved into our new topic ‘Ola Brazil’ by exploring South America, researching rainforest animals and reading ‘The Great Kapok Tree’. They have been demonstrating lots of independence and have used their growth […]
Year One’s First Week
A HUGE well done to Year One who have returned to school brilliantly! They have impressed us so much with their super skills, the interesting facts that they have shared, and they have been working more and more in their teams, creating masterpieces that show that teamwork makes the dream work! We are enjoying our […]
Year One’s Home Learning
We are so proud of our Year One’s who despite isolation have been producing work to be very proud of! Well done to every one of you, it has been super to see your smiling faces and the fab learning you have completed! We can’t wait to see you back in school next week. 🏫
Working hard in Year Two!
Year Two have been working very hard this week in many different areas! They’ve created codes in computing to save turtles, considered emotions and responsibilities in PSHE and learned about Bastille Day, creating amazing artwork featuring the Eiffel Tower. Super attitudes to learning in every lesson – well done Year Two! You should be very […]
French Day in Year Six
Year Six have learnt about the names of different types of food and drink today as part of their French unit ‘Setting up a Cafè’. Here are some of the children matching up French words for food and drink to the appropriate image.