This term, Year Three have been learning French greetings including how to ask each other’s age and name. They are improving their French speaking and listening skills by conversing with each other in French and taking part in lots of activities like bingo and using their maths skills to practise their French numbers. Well done […]
Category Archives: PSHE
Year One’s Toy Sort
Year One have used their investigate skills to sort old and new toys this week as part of their History learning. They considered what the toys were made of, how they were made and whether or not their parents or grandparents could have played with the same toys. Super sorting everyone! Why not have a […]
Year Six : Economical Awareness – holiday planners
Children have been both holiday planners and interior designers this week. Using mathematical concepts to work within a budget, children have demonstrated good economical awareness by calculating total cost and underspend/overspend.
Year One’s Toys!
Year One loved bringing in their own toys today to start their new topic – Toys! They considered where their toys were from, what they were made of and told us all about why they liked them. There was a fab range of toys from dolls to cars to dinos! 🦖 We also began to […]
Computing in Reception
Reception have been developing their computing skills this week by programming the Beebots to move around the carpet and painting firework pictures using Purple Mash. Well done Reception. The next steps for the Beebots are to programme them to move to a specific location. This is something that we will be working on, over the […]
Year Six’s gymnastic routines.
Over the last six weeks, children have been practising individual skills in gymnastics: cat-leap full-turn, stag-leaps, hurdle-step cartwheels with round-offs, backward rolls to pike and diving forward rolls. This week, they put everything together than they had learnt into one final team performance – what they produced was exceptional. Well done Year Six; you’re all […]
Year One celebrate Shabbat
Year One have learned all about the Jewish Celebration of Shabbat. They learned about why it is special and that it is always celebrated from sunset on a Friday until sunset on a Saturday EVERY SINGLE WEEK! They then had our own Shabbat meal, pretended to light the candle sticks, ate some bread and had […]
Christenings in Reception
This week Reception have been learning about how Christians welcome babies into the world. The children are re-enacting the vicar sprinkling the holy water over the baby’s head whilst saying some special words. The vicar then lights a special christening candle before everybody has a party to celebrate.
Year One’s Plant Hunt
Year One have been venturing around the school looking for a variety of plants 🌱 They had to work in pairs to search and then create a tally chart to chart how many of the different varieties they found. There were a surprising number of daisies still out and they found dandelion clocks to blow. […]
English in Year Three
This week, Year Three have begun to explore non-chronological reports. They have been busy identifying common features and their purposes in preparation for writing their own reports about rainforest animals. Super work Year Three!