Year One have been using atlases, globes and maps today to locate where they live in the world 🌎 They’ve learned that we are part of Europe, as well as the United Kingdom, as well as England, as well as Stoke-On-Trent! 🏴 They used the atlas to zoom in further and find out the four […]
Category Archives: PSHE
Brazil Day in Year Three!
Year Three went on a trip to Rio de Janeiro this week. They met and handled lots of rainforest animals, learned some samba moves and tried Brazilian snacks. They all had a fantastic time and didn’t want to come home!
Year One’s Showcase
Year One welcomed their parents in to school to share their learning about Toys and Christmas! They sang songs telling the story of Jesus through ‘Away in a Manger’ and made Christmas decorations including an angel for the top of their tree 🎄They also created their own cup and ball toy and taught their parents […]
Year One’s Computing
What a challenge Year One have faced this week! We have completed our computing units, looking at different types of technology in school and at home (why not try and name a few that you can spot?) and we’ve thought about how to stay safe online. We’ve created our own avatar (and talked about how […]
Year Three Are Ready For The Rain!
In Geography this week, the Year Three children have created rain gauges which they will use to collect and record the rainfall throughout the week. They will then compare their findings with the rainfall in Brazil. They used super teamwork to create their rain gauges and decide the best spot for rain catching.
Year One’s Toy Shop
Year One have been studying the work of Peter Blake, a pop artist! They learned about Blake using web sources, used magnifying glasses to study his work in detail, spotting similarities and differences and then created their own toy shop in his style. Blake filled a shop window with toys and so using their pencil […]
Children In Need and Pudsey Winner!
THANK YOU HILLSIDE! You are incredible! Everyone is having a comfy day, enjoying PE with Joe and completing mindfulness activities with Dr Ranj and it is well deserved as we have raised… drum roll please… 🥁 over £100 for the cake raffle and almost £300 in total for Children In Need! Kennedy was the winner […]
Odd Sock Day in Reception
Reception have been thinking carefully about what makes us different this week and how we should embrace that. We loved showing our odd socks and talking about the different patterns. We also talked about how wonderful and interesting our world and the people in it are and how it would be boring if we were […]
Year Six Sports4all festival
The Year Six pupils have had an inspiring afternoon taking part in a range of paralympic sports at Excel Academy. The aim of the event was to promote the paralympic sports of boccia, soft archery, curling, basketball and badminton, to show that anyone could take part regardless of any disabilities. The children had a fantastic […]
One Kind Word and Odd Sock Day!
We have launched Anti-bullying Week wearing our odd socks to show that we are all different. The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same and our amazing sock combos have proven how interesting we all are today! 🧦 During the week all of our classes will be taking part […]