Year One learned the song ‘London’s Burning’! 🔥 They performed together as a class using musical instruments and even managed to sing the song in rounds which was quite the challenge! 🎶 They sounded fantastic as they performed but also know that during the real fire in 1666, they couldn’t have ‘fetched the engine’ as […]
Category Archives: PSHE
Keep Smiling at Hillside
We are lucky enough to have Alice in school today from Stoke City. She is completing Keep Smiling workshops with years 2 to 6, explaining the importance of brushing our teeth, eating well and looking after our oral health.
Drama in Year Three!
There’s been lots of drama in Year Three this week! 🎭 We have had a visit from Rhodopis, the Egyptian Cinderella herself, and the children interviewed her with very some very interesting questions! We have also used freeze framing to help with our ordering of events ready for writing a retell next week.
Daffodil Planting in Nursery
This week we have enjoyed planting our own Daffodils 🌼 . We looked at the bulb and talked about the shoots that we could already see, we thought about the different things we needed to do to look after our Daffodils. We know that we need to give them water if it doesn’t rain 🌧. […]
Materials in Year One
Year One have started their new science learning about materials, grouping and sorting lots of different random items! The different teams decided how to sort in lots of different ways! They sorted by colour, size, shape and purpose and then some sorted by what they were made from, like plastic, wood or fabric. Lots of […]
PSHE in Reception
This week, Reception have been thinking about bullying as part of our PSED work. After listening to a story about a little boy who was not very nice to his friend, we talked about how the friend must have felt. We also talked about what they should do if anything like this happened to them. […]
PSHE in Year Five
This week in Year Five, we have thought collectively all about the significance of confidential information and how sharing it inappropriately can be harmful to others. We did this through a class discussion and then recreating some scenes on the playground. We empathised how it may feel to have somebody share your confidential information and […]
Year One’s Fact Finding
Year One have been amazing historians finding out about the Great Fire of London 🔥 They compared London in 1666 to modern day London, sorting images and talking about the similarities and differences. See if they can tell you a difference based on what the houses were and are made from! They also considered different […]
Year Three Dance like an Egyptian
This afternoon, Year Three have created short dance routines using Egyptian hieroglyphs to inspire their body movements. Miss Hayward was very impressed with their creativity and team work. Well done Year Three!
Snakes and Ladders in Nursery🐍🎲
This week we have enjoyed playing snakes and ladders together, taking turns, counting and subitising the dots on the die and moving our counters the correct amount of spaces. We loved landing on the ladders and zooming ahead but we tried hard to avoid the snakes!🐍 🎲