Nursery’s Learning

We are so impressed with the fantastic start to the new topic that we have had. The children both at home and at school have been enjoying lots of farm related activities – we have been singing Old McDonald Had a Farm, making animal masks, creating our own farmyards by carefully following instructions, completing obstacle […]

Another wonderful week of home learning in Year Two. 

Year two have kept up the same enthusiasm for their learning as they had before half term. It’s been wonderful to see all the hard work they have all put in this week. It’s making all the staff in year two very excited to welcome you back next week and share some of the great […]

Well done Reception!

Wow Reception, we are so proud of you all! What incredible work you are all producing both at home and at school! We all loved the story about The Runaway Wok and you have all worked so hard to learn all about Chinese New Year, the animals in The Great Race and been very creative […]

Year One’s Super Work (and special deal) 

What a crazy half term this has been but we have all reached the end of it and Year One (and your parents and carers!) you have been absolute stars! Year One have smashed their counting to 50, writing about Gerald, healthy living tasks, laps for Captain Tom and have made pasta salads, exercised had […]

Awesomeness in Year Two

We find it hard to put into words how proud we are of you Year Two! You have exceeded our expectations with your dedication to home learning. Thank you for all the work you have sent in this half term. Whether it be counting coins, making safer internet day posters, running around your garden for […]

Year Four’s super workers!

Well, we got there Year Four! What another busy week we’ve had to bring us to the end of this very strange (and difficult) half term! Everybody who has worked their hardest to ensure that you have all been learning and producing the best work that you can has a huge round of applause from […]

Year Six’s super home-learning

Year Six have been working incredibly hard at home. Their effort and determination continues to blow the socks off Mr Frost, who looks forward to seeing their hard work every day. Here is just a snapshot of some of the fabulous work produced so far by the Year Six children.  

Children’s Mental Health Week

Today we have been experiencing mindfulness in school and at home and hope you have enjoyed taking the time to breathe, relax and listen to what is going on around you – a bit of peace at last! If you haven’t had chance yet, have a look at the PowerPoint on the Home Learning page […]

Year One’s Old Fashioned Games

Year have been learning how to play old fashioned games. They’ve played ‘In and Out the Dusty Bluebells’, ‘Farmer, farmer…’ and ‘Stuck in the Mud’ and loved racing and chasing, freeing their friends and being the master! Why not ask them to teach you one to play at home this weekend? They will be finding […]