Reception: The story of Diwali

This afternoon, Reception recreated the story of Rama and Sita exploring in the woods. They had a fantastic time and even made up their own Diwali song, accompanied by a range of musical instruments. Fantastic Reception.  

Keeping Fit in Reception

Reception have been keeping fit in an imaginative way this week. They have been developing a range of singing and movement styles, keeping in time to the music and most importantly, having lots of fun. This song was ‘My name is Joe’ from YouTube. The children love it. 😁  

Reception Number work 

Reception have been busy practising their counting  skills this week with a range of number songs and rhymes. Here we are singing the song, 1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive. We are showing you 5 fingers. Great counting Reception!

Fire in Year One! 

Year One are continuing to be fire of London experts this week, not only writing their own versions of Samuel Pepys diary, but also putting their musical talents to the test, learning the song ‘London’s Burning!’ 🔥 They added instruments, sang as a whole class and then split to sing in rounds – very impressive! […]

Number Day in Reception

Reception have had so much fun today practising their numbers. Here on the photo, they are showing you how to make numbers to 10. They have also practised their number skills using the NumBots game and been on a number hunt. They have completed number jigsaws and sang number songs. At the end of the […]

Nursery’s Learning

We are so impressed with the fantastic start to the new topic that we have had. The children both at home and at school have been enjoying lots of farm related activities – we have been singing Old McDonald Had a Farm, making animal masks, creating our own farmyards by carefully following instructions, completing obstacle […]

Year One get musical! 

Year One have created their own class band, singing their own rendition of ‘London’s Burning!’ They worked hard to listen to the beat, sing tunefully and even managed to sing it as part of a round which was very tricky to begin! Why not ask them to sing it to you tonight? 🎵

Singing Stars and Rock Band

The Hillside Singing Stars performed on the stage last night at the Mitchell Theatre. Tinseltime Rock Band also wowed the crowds with their fantastic singing and rocking. It was a fantastic night and their amazing performance spread Christmas cheer to all their family and friends in the audience! Well done everybody! 🎤 🎅🏻 🎉  

Year One’s Showcase

Thank you so much to everyone who came to our showcase today – we loved sharing our learning time with you! The singing and dancing was amazing, the cup and ball competitions were frantic and we loved finding out about your favourite toys from long (and not so long) ago! Thank you and we hope […]

Reception Forest School

Reception have been learning about Bonfire Night this week. They have been busy making junk model fireworks, creating a firework poem, making chocolate sparklers, and today they re-enacted the story of Guy Fawkes. We also built a bonfire in the woods and then sang a bonfire song.  What a busy week!