Year One’s Jubilee Prep!

Year One have been working hard this week creating artwork, placemats, Beefeaters and flags for the Queen’s Jubilee as well singing the National Anthem with gusto! 🎢 They found out all about Queen Elizabeth II and how she is our longest reigning monarch! πŸ‘‘ They cannot wait to celebrate at the Jubilee party in school […]

Nursery Easter Bunnies!

This week the children have showcased their fantastic singing skills when they performed their Easter Bunny song. They have been practising this with Mr Hall along with the lovely actions and did a brilliant job performing in front of the school as part of our Easter Service. Well done Nursery 😊

Historical Music in Year Two

Year Two have been learning about music from the past. They had the chance to play along to a famous piece on a glockenspiel. They practised their core skills of playing to a steady beat and playing in time to the music. Super work Year Two!    

Song and dance in Reception

This week as part of our Christianity topic, we have been learning about Palm Sunday. In this picture, the children are re-enacting through song and dance, Jesus arriving in town on a donkey. The disciples are leading the way and the townsfolk are singing and dancing to celebrate his arrival. The song is called Jump […]

Year One’s Musical Masterclass

Year One have been working with Mr Hall this week on their singing skills. They have begun to practise for their Easter performance at the church with the rest of the school and want their singing to be perfectly tuned! They considered the Easter story, added actions to the songs and began to learn the […]

Year One Shabbat Singing!

Year One learned all about Shabbat as part of their RE learning about Judaism ✑️ They learned a song and danced along to help them to learn about what they would need to do to prepare for Shabbat and help them to remember the greeting Shalom. Here is the link if you’d like to have […]

London’s Burning in Year One

Year One learned the song ‘London’s Burning’! πŸ”₯ They performed together as a class using musical instruments and even managed to sing the song in rounds which was quite the challenge! 🎢 They sounded fantastic as they performed but also know that during the real fire in 1666, they couldn’t have ‘fetched the engine’ as […]

Music in Year Five

After learning lots of festive songs to sing, Year Five have created their own music to support them. It was fantastic listening to them performing on the acoustic guitars and percussion.  

Christmas Carol Service

Unfortunately, due to the weather, we were unable to go to the church today. But luckily Reverend Karen was able to come to us. We enjoyed listening to the Christmas story and celebrating by singing the carols that we had been learning. What a fantastic start to our Christmas celebrations!

Music in Year Two

Year Two love their music lessons with Mr Hall. They have been clapping and using instruments to a steady beat, singing in the correct shape of a song and our Singing Stars have been having playing musical games after school.