Nursery’s Christmas Showcase

The children in Nursery have been practising for their showcase over the past few weeks, learning lots of new Christmas songs and learning all of the actions. On Thursday, the children welcomed their parents into school and delivered a lovely performance of the songs. A lovely afternoon was had by all ! Well done Nursery […]

Reception get festive

The children in Reception have worked so hard over the last couple of weeks, learning their Christmas songs for the Showcase and also for the church service next week.  

Singing in Year Two

In music, the children have been practising their singing in preparation for our Christmas Showcase. The children have done a brilliant job at learning the songs, the technical vocabulary around singing and of course, the actions!

Year One’s Singing

Year One have been practising their singing the last few weeks, working on tune, recognising musical songs and singing in harmony as a group 🎶 They have talked about what a chorus is during phonics (as they’ve learned that ch sometimes says c) and have now created their own class choir – they’re getting very […]

Phonics fun in Nursery

This week the children in Nursery have been using their ears to listen to the sounds of different instruments. We listened to a tambourine, cymbals and a maraca and decided to move to the instruments . We then played Ted’s Footsteps, listening to the instruments and moving the correct way to get to Miss Hewitt […]

Welcome back Reception

What a fantastic first week Reception have had. We have been so busy making new friends, exploring our classroom and outside area, enjoying new activities, investigating, building, drawing, making, dancing, meditating and so much more. We can’t wait to see what next week has in store. 😀

Music in Year Four

During their recent music lesson, the children were writing and playing a rhythm using different pitches on the ukuleles.

Access All Arts Day

On Thursday, Hillside children participated in lots of different arts workshop as part of ‘Access All Arts’ week. The children were able to learn from experts such as opera singers, musicians, actors, illustrators and photographers who helped them to gain new skills in the arts. We were blown away by the children’s engagement and how […]

Music in Year Five

In their music lessons, Year Five have been using the ukuleles to develop their chords. They have begun to do this alongside a song they are familiar of the lyrics therefore many are now confident at playing at singing.