Reception have been developing their fine motor skills when using musical instruments.
Category Archives: Music
Year Four musicians
The children have thoroughly enjoyed their music lesson with Mr Hall this week, learning to play the ukelele. We saw super teamwork as the children were sharing their skills to support each other to succeed!
Year One’s Djembes!
Year One have enjoyed making music outside this week! They used the djembes to create rhythms and songs together, working carefully on making sure they kept to the beat. They sounded amazing! 🪘
Music in Reception
Reception have been learning to play a simple tune on the ukulele this week. They learned where to position their fingers in the strings to play a G! Fantastic Reception!
Year One’s Easter Singing!
Year One have been practising their Easter songs 🐣 this week in preparation for the church service next week! They’ll be learning about the Easter story (as well as singing about chocolate!) and have practised their musical tune, pace, singing in chorus and actions! 🎵
Djembe music in Reception
This week Reception have been reading the story of Handa’s Surprise, a lovely story about a little girl who lives in Kenya, Africa. We learned a song about the story called 7 Juicy Fruits and accompanied it with these African drums which are called Djembes. The children were amazing and loved learning about African cultures […]
Year Four musical talents
Year Four were showing off their musical talents this week when learning to play the ukulele. They were showing amazing concentration to play the correct chords to the songs. What musical superstars!
Nursery’s Musicians
This week in music we have been listening to the sounds of instruments and working with our friends to practise playing the instruments. We have learned how to play them loud, quiet, slow and fast and been practising using our fancy vocabulary pitch, tempo and dynamics to describe how we are playing the instruments!
Being thankful in Reception
This week we have been learning about how Christians say thank you to God. We learned a song called Thank you Lord for this new day, which we really enjoyed singing. We also remembered how we celebrated Harvest in the Autumn term and how we collected food for the food bank. We then thought very […]
Mathematicians in Reception
Reception have been working very hard this week to discover how many different ways that they could make 5. We used the song ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’ as a starting point and manged to find lots of different ways. To challenge ourselves, we hid some of the frogs in the deep pond to see if […]