Year One have been improving their maths skills this week, using Base 10 apparatus to support their understanding of tens and ones. They’ve been working on two digits numbers and using apparatus to represent them, focussing too on the language of more, less and equal to. They were also set a challenge on Number Day […]
Category Archives: Maths
Hillside Number Day
Number Day was a huge success and the children were fully immersed in all things maths related. The staff worked hard to make maths fun and to focus on developing positive ‘can do’ attitudes. Learning consisted of number hunts (using the numbers they have worn), practise of basic maths skills using our amazing online programmes […]
Year Six’s Market stalls
Year Six have completed their market stalls for the latest D.T unit. They have used their design specifications to measure, cut and assemble a market stall so that Jim, from our English text, ‘Street Child’, can sell his shrimps on the streets of London.
Concrete Maths in Year Five
This week in Year Five, we have been working on our multiplication and division unit. The children have been using concrete resources to support their learning as they have explored multiples and factors.
Practical maths in Reception
This week, we are focusing on capacity in Reception. Our task was to fit as many different objects into our box as possible. We had to think carefully about the size of each object and if they were long or short. We then counted them out onto a ten frame to see who had the […]
Snakes and Ladders in Nursery🐍🎲
This week we have enjoyed playing snakes and ladders together, taking turns, counting and subitising the dots on the die and moving our counters the correct amount of spaces. We loved landing on the ladders and zooming ahead but we tried hard to avoid the snakes!🐍 🎲
Times tables in Year Four
The staff in Year Four have been really impressed the progress all of the children have made with their recall of times tables. Here they are singing along to the 6 times tables.
Year Three Are Ready For The Rain!
In Geography this week, the Year Three children have created rain gauges which they will use to collect and record the rainfall throughout the week. They will then compare their findings with the rainfall in Brazil. They used super teamwork to create their rain gauges and decide the best spot for rain catching.
Odd Sock Day in Reception
Reception have been thinking carefully about what makes us different this week and how we should embrace that. We loved showing our odd socks and talking about the different patterns. We also talked about how wonderful and interesting our world and the people in it are and how it would be boring if we were […]
Year Six : Economical Awareness – holiday planners
Children have been both holiday planners and interior designers this week. Using mathematical concepts to work within a budget, children have demonstrated good economical awareness by calculating total cost and underspend/overspend.