Length and Height in Year Two

Year Two have been learning about length and height in maths. This week, they went outside to measure each other and the lines on the playground. They measured in centimetres and metres using a metre stick.  

Super mathematicians in Reception

This week we have been consolidating our maths knowledge by finding different ways of making 10. We have thought very carefully about the number bonds of the number 10, as well as the composition of the number 10. We then recorded these facts by creating fantastic number sentences that include addition problems, subtraction problems and […]

Shape in Year Two

This term, Year Two have learnt about shape. They have learnt about the many properties of shapes and in this lesson, they sorted shapes in various ways.  

Year Three Rock Stars

On Thursday, Year Three spent the day rockin’ out for Times Table Rockstars Day. They transformed into their rockstar characters and worked really hard to improve their times tables by playing games and competing in tournaments. The boys were victorious against the girls and we are waiting to see where we placed on the Stoke-on-Trent […]

Practical Maths in Year Three

Earlier this week, Year Three explored dividing with remainders using lollipop sticks to divide by 3, 4 and 5. If their shape had sides missing, they knew they had remainders. They then used this understanding to solve abstract problems. Well done Year Three!

Observations over time in Science – Year Four

The children have been developing their Science skills by learning how to read a thermometer during an investigation. They collected the temperature of two samples of water over time. They noticed how cold water got warmer over time and warm water got colder. How interesting!

Computing in Reception

As part of our learning about the Gingerbread Man story, we talked about the route he took when he ran away. We then used a range of ICT equipment to create out own routes. We had to think carefully about where we wanted our Beebots and our bees  to finish and then program our equipment […]

Super Science in Year Three

This week our Year Three scientists investigated the surface for a toy car to travel on. They worked in teams to perform comparative tests and measured the distance the cars had travelled on each one. Next week, they will present their data and draw conclusions from their findings. Well done Year Three!  

Maths in Year Four

The children have been using place value counters to solve division problems that include exchanging. They are using this to help them to develop their understanding of written methods.

Geography in Year Five

This week, Year Five combined their maths and geography knowledge together to investigate the differences in biomes around the world. The children used line graphs to focus on temperature and how this was different from biome to biome. This children carefully considered geological reasons behind this.