This week our new year five class have begun to settle into their new surroundings. They have consistently impressed all of their teachers with their wonderful knowledge of key operations in maths and skilful writing techniques. We can’t wait to watch them grow and shine even more next year!
Category Archives: Maths
Our super new Year Twos
We have been so impressed with our new Year Twos. Whether it was the plant maths, the David Hockney art or the mysterious creature writing, they have thrown themselves into all the activities this week and shown they are more than ready to begin their journeys in year two. We are so excited to get […]
Transition week for Nursery
Nursery have had a fantastic week in Reception. They have made lots of new friends and tried lots of new activities. They have wowed Mrs Ashton and Mrs Dixon with their phonic knowledge, sang lots of amazing counting rhymes and showed the numbers on their fingers, produced some beautiful artwork and tried mindfulness colouring which […]
Computing in Year Six – using spreadsheets
Year Six have been practising using spreadsheets this week. They have had to input formula so that their spreadsheet automatically: calculates the probability of rolling different numbers on dice; works out how many weeks of pocket money it would take them to save up for some of their most-wanted items; and finds the best website […]
Minibeast Artwork in Reception
This week, Reception have been getting creative with some caterpillar and butterfly artwork. We have been experimenting with a range of techniques including fixing different materials together for collage and painting, then folding paper to make beautiful symmetrical butterflies.
Super science shadow work in Year Four
Wow, what super scientists we’ve seen in Year Four using their science, maths and computing skills! After presenting their data in a line graph, from last week’s investigation into how shadows change size depending on the distance from the light source, they went outside to investigate shadows even further. They were set challenges to create […]
Athletics in Year Five
This half term in Year Five, our P.E. has been focused on athletics. We have been training in a range of events from the sprint to the egg and spoon. Each week the children have been implementing their maths skills to record their times/scores and taking a weekly average.
Money in Year Two
In the Autumn term, we learnt about money in Year Two. We learnt to recognise coins and add and subtract various amounts. This term, we are learning about how to manage our money. We have learnt where money comes from and in this lesson, we debated the differences between needs and wants.
Doubling in Year One
Year One have been doubling and learned that when we double we add the same amount again! We spotted a pattern, noticing that when we added 1+1, 2+2, 3+3… that the numbers went up in 2s which we’ve also been counting in. We put our skills to the test with a range of games – […]
Budding mathematicians in Reception
This week, Reception have been extending their learning of maths by practising numbers to 20. They are focusing on, not just the recognition of the numbers to 20 but also the composition of those numbers. By using ten frames and numicon shapes, the children are gaining a deep understanding of what makes each number. Well […]