This week, we began our new unit of learning in maths – Fractions. Crucially, we reminded ourselves of what a fraction was and the different ways they can be represented. Together, we defined a numerator and a denominator and began to explore equivalent fractions using the fraction tiles.
Category Archives: Maths
Diwali in Reception
This week, Reception have had a fantastic time learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. After reading the story of Rama and Sita, the children acted it out as well as making play dough diva lamps, Diwali cards and lots of rangoli patterns. We also did some Diwali yoga and Indian dancing before writing out […]
England Rocks TT Rock Star competition
Thank you to all who took part in the England Rocks TTRS competition this week. Hillside finished 373rd out of 3,894 schools. This is a fantastic achievement and puts us in the top 10% in the country! A special well done to Year Five, who scored 2072 points on average per pupil; this is an […]
Marvellous Maths in Year Four
Year Four have started their work on addition and subtraction this week, and have been demonstrating their skills from Year Three to solve column addition calculations.
Year One’s Plants 🌱
Year One have been investigating plants as part of their learning in science 🪴 They had to consider what plants they might see in the local environment and why and then create a tally chart to record what they found. The discussion about what they saw, where and why was fantastic! We hardly saw any […]
Addition using iPads in Year Two
This week, year two have been learning about addition in maths. To practise their skills of adding 10s to a 2-digit number, the children took part in a QR code lesson. The children came across a calculation, figured out the answer using their 100 square and scanned the code to see if they were correct.
Nursery’s super sorting!
This week the children we have been thinking about sorting objects. We went for a walk around the field to find some objects of different colours. When we got back to the classroom we sorted them into piles of different colours and did a fantastic job, we can’t wait to carry on sorting in different […]
Year Five’s STEM Day at RAF Cosford
Last Friday, continued our learning on forces when we visited the RAF base at Cosford. We completed three activates (Rockets, Rover Release and Asteroid Field) as well as had an informative walk around the museum and airplane hangars. Within our activities we had to think carefully about forces and how they were applied to varies […]
Year Four Mathematicians
Year Four have been securing their understanding of place value of four digit numbers by using their place value chart to explore adding and subtracting from each column. Their hands on exploration has ensured they can observe the exchanges needed when crossing boundaries.
Year One’s Local Area Exploring!
Year One have visited Milton this week as part of their learning in Geography about the local area. They studied the houses and buildings, visiting the florist, park and chippy! 🌲 They also completed a traffic survey and found that cars were the most popular vehicle 🚗 It was amazing to study our local area […]