Nursery explore number 2

This week we have been finding out about number 2, we have enjoyed listening to songs, rhymes and stories about number 2 and then finding lots of different ways of showing 2, using objects in the classroom, our bodies and print in the environment!

Mathematicians in Reception

Reception have been working very hard this week to discover how many different ways that they could make 5. We used the song ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’ as a starting point and manged to find lots of different ways. To challenge ourselves, we hid some of the frogs in the deep pond to see if […]

Year Four Rock Stars

Year Four have worked their socks off this week during their involvement in a city wide TTRS competition. They have shown determination and commitment to answer as many questions as possible to gain places on the leader boards for our school, our class and as individuals and their hard work has definitely paid off! As […]

Concretely subtracting from a mixed number in Year Five

This week, we have been continuing to work hard in our fractions unit in maths. The children used counters to concretely subtract from a mixed number whilst crossing a whole. It was fantastic to see them representing mixed numbers with such confidence and then transitioning onto pictorial and abstract methods.  

Money in Year Two

Year Two have been learning about money recently. In this lesson, they worked with concrete resources to understand the concept of giving change. They drew pictures, set a price and sold them to their friends, ensuring they were giving accurate change.

Long Lost Families – A Year Six census investigation

Year Six we’re presented with a mystery photograph of a family from the Victorian era. They were presented with an old, handwritten Victorian census taken 4 years after the photograph and a signature at the bottom of the picture. With this, children were tasked with identifying the name, age (when the photograph was taken, not […]

Year Six – Spreadsheets for budgeting

Happy New Year to all! It’s great to see all children back in class after the holidays. This  afternoon, children are using Purple Mash’s Spreadsheet programme to create a spreadsheet which will calculate how many weeks they’ll have to save up in order to eventually afford some of their most desired items.      

Money in Year Two

Year Two have been learning about money this week in maths. They first reminded themselves about what coins exist and their value. They then started to count coins and combine them to make amounts. The children have held the coins and used them help with their counting. Super work!

Happy New Year from Reception 

Reception have had a fantastic first week back at school after the holidays. They were so excited to see their friends and share the news about what they had  been up to and what lovely gifts they had received from Santa.

Shape in Year One

This week in maths we’ve been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and today we’ve worked hard on creating patterns! Why not go on a shape hunt tonight and see what you can find at home that are 2D (triangles, rectangles, circles or squares) or 3D (cubes, cuboids, pyramids, spheres or cylinders) or if you […]