This morning, the Year Three children went on a parallel and perpendicular lines hunt around school. They looked at pictures and tried to identify the different pairs of lines and checked their answers using QR codes.
Category Archives: Maths
Year One’s Plant Hunt!
Year One’s science learning sent them outdoors again on a plant hunt! They searched the school grounds for different plants after learning about the parts and functions of plants 🌱 Then they used their maths skills to create tally chart and totals. Well done Year One 💐
Independent Learning
In Year 6, we are encouraging the children to use more independent strategies in their learning. The children have been practising using formal methods to calculate division questions. In lessons they have been using QR codes to check their answers. They enjoy being mini teachers and either tick or spend time correcting their answer if […]
Year One’s Crocodile Maths
Year One had a crocodile visit their classroom this morning to help them with their maths learning! The crocodile was extremely hungry and liked to eat big, juicy numbers! They practiced putting crocodiles mouths between numbers to show which were greater or less and even used the equals sign to show numbers that were the […]
A day of firsts in Year 2
Children have had their first go on Times Tables Rock Stars this morning. They created their characters and completed their first gig! You should now find your child’s login in their reading diaries. Children were also introduced to Mrs Shenton who looks after our school library. They each picked a book to borrow and most […]
Year 2 Maths
Year 2 have made a fantastic start to their learning this year. In this picture, they are proudly showing their amazing tens and ones ladybirds (expertly coloured in!) that they completed in maths. These will go on display on our maths gallery in the classroom. Well done!
Year One’s Woodland Maths
Year One spent the morning in the woods as part of their maths learning today. They played hide and seek with numbers and were challenged to order to 20 and then to order in 10s to 100! They were amazing and loved being active with their number work!
Year One investigate their geography!
Year One have been learning about towns, cities and the countryside today. They have sorted urban and rural pictures very cleverly using their Maths skills in to a Venn diagram and talked about what they might see in a town versus the countryside. They even used the centre for things that fit in to both […]