Maths in Year Three

We are learning about multiplying 2 digit number with 1 digit number. We had to use concrete resource first (Base 10) then use pictorial to embed our learning first. We had lots of fun in the process.

Chronology in Year One

Year One have been thinking about London now and then as part of their History learning about the Great Fire of London πŸ”₯ They had to study pictures for clues and sort them according to whether or not they were old pictures or current day. They then had to use their maths understanding to help […]

Mosaics in Year Four

The children have used a combination of their history knowledge, art skills and understanding of area in maths to design and create these wonderful mosaics. After designing their Roman themed creations, they worked out the area of each colour then arranged the ‘tesserae’ to produce their final piece of work, which they will be taking […]

Sorting Shapes in Year Two

The children in year two have been learning about shapes and their properties. They were challenged to sort them in different ways using the new vocabulary they have learnt.

Fractions in Year Five

The children in Year Five started a new unit in our maths as we embark on our fractions learning. The children used fraction tiles to identify equivalent fractions as we began to remind ourselves of the function behind the numerator and denominator. We have also begun to use counters to support us in converting between […]

Year Three: New Unit in Maths

Year Three are looking at multiplication and division facts. Here, we are looking at sharing and grouping with concrete resources. Lot of fun!

Halloween Maths Fun in Nursery

This week we have been decorating some halloween biscuits, we have used sweets and chocolate chips and practised our one to one counting to create some spooky faces! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘»

Brazil Day in Year Three

What a fabulous day we had in our Brazil day! We took off to Rio de Janeiro, wrote a holiday leaflet and created a Maths game called ‘The rainforest hunt’. In the afternoon, we have learnt more about how Brazilians live and we prepared ourselves for a carnival. Lots of fun!

One more, one less in Reception

This week we have been working out what is one more or one less than a number. We began by using real objects, progressed onto counting fixed objects and some of us even worked out the answers using just the numerals. We love our maths learning in Reception!  

Microbit coding in Year Six

Children have been creating code for a microbit, which is a circuit board that can do a multitude of things, such as count steps, play music, listen to sound and light up. Today, we have been practising making a stepmother, which plays music and congratulates you when you reach a certain number of steps.