Year Two Maths

Yesterday, year two worked on the iPads in maths. They answered riddles based on the properties of 2D shapes and scanned the QR Code on the card to reveal the answer. Great work!  

When I grow up… 

This week, Nursery have been learning about the job role of a builder! We’ve had lots of construction materials out and have seen some fabulous creations being made. We have used our mark making skills and number knowledge in our ‘Tool Hire Station’ and have baked some delicious tool themed biscuits in the shape of […]

Pizza Week in Reception

Reception are really enjoying this term’s topic of Food. This week we are reading ‘The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza’ and today we walked to the Co-op in Milton to buy ingredients to make our own pizzas. We also did a treasure hunt round the shop where we had to find certain food items, […]

Practical maths in Year Four

Year Four are busy using cubes to investigate the perimeter of shapes. How many different perimeters can they make from 8 cubes? How many different shapes can they make with a perimeter of 12? A super practical investigation!  

Year Six Learning

Year Six have had a busy start to the new year. In line with our current topic, The Victorians, children have been sifting through real, Victorian censuses to gather data about people from the past. They used this information in a range of maths lessons, including objectives such as ‘calculating average as mean’ and ‘plotting […]

Year Four

Year Four have settled back in with a busy January. In addition to being rock stars and working hard with learning our multiplication tables, we have proved that we are all successful bakers through our DT project when making a Roman bread roll. We have also experienced a super team challenge in building the HS2 […]

Year One’s Maths

Year One have been working in teams this week to figure out tricky place value challenges as well as ordering and sequencing using their new knowledge of tens and ones! They had to work out what each picture representing and then order from smallest to biggest in value! They worked well together and then applied […]

Great Grounds Workshop

Reception, Year 1 and a Year 2 have been lucky enough to receive a visit from James and Mike from Great Grounds! They are arborists who shared a range of safety equipment before demonstrating some extremely noisy chainsaws! The children loved watching the wood chipper, despite the wayward sawdust that was created! They were then […]

Year One’s New Topic

Year One have begun learning about the Great Fire of London! In Maths they completed times tables flame challenges using dot to dots, in History they’ve been finding facts and in English, telling the story of ‘Toby’ a character who lived during the fire. They’re also using their Geography skills to locate the United Kingdom […]

Rock Stars in Reception

Reception had a fantastic time on Rock Star day. They used their maths skills to work out a number of problems throughout the day before having  a ‘Rock off’ to some of their favourite rock songs.