Children in Need Year Five

Year Five have enjoyed several activities to recognise Children in Need Day today. This morning they each made bookmarks inspired by Pudsey and this afternoon they engaged in a Children in Need based board game. The children all enjoyed playing the board game which relied on them implementing key maths skills to earn points.  

Year Six Children in Need Day

Year Six are recognising Children in Need Day this afternoon by playing a Pudsey board game. Children have got to roll a dice and move their counters around the board, earning as many Pudsey Points as they can. The player at the end with the most points wins.    

Year Four Times Tables Rock Stars

Year Four are rocking their times tables today! We have been speedily answering as many questions as possible to gain our place on the leaderboard of the Top of the Rocks Year Four competition, in which many Stoke schools are participating in this week. Currently we are 7th, hoping to gain a higher position by […]

Remembrance in Reception

Reception have been learning about the meaning of Remembrance Day. After listening to a Remembrance Day assembly, the children participated in a range of activities to give them a deeper understanding of the event. They investigated a range of artefacts from world war 2, collaged poppies, counted poppies, practised their army manoeuvres through the cargo […]

Times Tables Rock Stars

The children have returned to school with continued enthusiasm for our online Times Tables subscription: Times Tables Rock Stars. I have been asked by many of the children to reveal the current leader board for each class to show which children have answered the most questions correctly. Below shows the top three times tables champions […]

Year One’s Exploring

Year One have had a great week exploring many different areas of the curriculum! From identifying and classifying trees and plants in the (rather muddy) woods to building Sukkah’s as part of their RE work on Sukkot to investigating number and ordering from smallest to greatest and vice versa, they’re really impressing their teachers! Year […]

Reception Forest School

Reception went on a number hunt in the forest yesterday! 🌳 Despite the wet weather, the children wrapped up warm and eagerly scoured the surrounding woods for numbers up to 20! By working together, they eventually found all of the numbers and successfully ordered them on the forest floor. Look at how proud they all […]

Times Tables Rock Stars

Now we are back into the flow of school life, I thought I would remind all parents and children about the amazing resource that we have in school to help the children learn their times tables. Children in Year 2,3,4,5 and 6 all have an online login to access the games on the Times Tables […]

Year Two Outdoor Maths

Year two have been learning about tables and pictograms in maths. Earlier this week, they went outside to collect data to draw a pictogram. They combined this task with their science learning and looked for natural features of their local habitat. Super work!

Year Four Maths

Today, Year Four have been estimating numbers on a range of number lines. We took our learning outside to create a range of number lines with different start and finish numbers, then estimated where our numbers needed to be positioned along the number line. We will also be reinforcing our understanding through this week’s homework. […]