Awesomeness in Year Two

We find it hard to put into words how proud we are of you Year Two! You have exceeded our expectations with your dedication to home learning. Thank you for all the work you have sent in this half term. Whether it be counting coins, making safer internet day posters, running around your garden for […]

Year Three Stars!

It’s been an unusual half term but you have all been so amazing and worked so hard. Year 3, you have really shown what super stars you are and so have your parents and carers! You have written some amazing diary entries, smashed multiplying and dividing, designed some delicious fruit skewers, become experts on the […]

Year Four’s super workers!

Well, we got there Year Four! What another busy week we’ve had to bring us to the end of this very strange (and difficult) half term! Everybody who has worked their hardest to ensure that you have all been learning and producing the best work that you can has a huge round of applause from […]

Year Two Home and School Learning

I think there is only one way we can start this post: WOW! Mr Mellor, Miss Pinnington and Mrs Toye have been blown away by the super home learning that year two have been producing both in school and at home. Every single child has stepped up to the challenges set and continue to make […]

Year Four Home Learning

Look at what our fantastic Year Four children were up to last with their home learning! We have had such a wonderful and wide range of high quality work sent it. A huge well done to all of our superstars and their superstar parents for all the hard work last week!      

Year One’s Wonderful Work! 

Year One have been working incredibly hard both in school and at home and we are so impressed! From writing stories about Bubbles, to creating underwater sea creatures for English stories, to finding out about capital cities, looking at the history of animals and discovering and naming their own, to super number bond and subtraction […]

Rock Star Day Results!

Well done to all of our classes who battled it out on Tuesday 5th January during our Rock Star Day. The winner of battles are as follows: Year 2 Boys Vs Year 2 Girls Year 3 Vs Year 4 Year 5 Vs Year 6 Well done to those children who took part. Your teachers have been […]

Rock Star Day!!!

Hey Rockerrrssss!!   As you are probably aware, our annual Rock Star Day has had to be cancelled booooooo!!! However, that won’t stop us rocking out to our favourite tunes and practising our key maths skills. I’m sure you all had your outfits prepared and ready to go so why not dress up still? There […]

Meet our Maths Ambassadors

Meet our Maths Ambassador Team who will be promoting the love of Maths at Hillside this academic year. Daniel, Olivia, Rose and Rikki have already helped Mrs Wainwright to produce a whole school assembly based on positive attitudes to mathematics and this will be shared with each class bubble in the new year. They are […]

Maths Careers in Year Six

For Maths Career Day, children have looked at how different professions use maths. They have spent the morning completing different mathematical problems related to a range of different professions such as hairdressing, gardening, business and catering to name but a few. Here is a photo of the children in action: