We have had a very busy day today thinking all about different numbers and why it is important to try hard with our maths learning. We have been practising to write them in sand, glitter and paint, thinking of different ways to represent numbers and been using our counting skills and number recognition to play […]
Category Archives: Maths
A Fun Trip for Nursery!
This week the children’s learning has been based around the nursery rhyme ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ we have enjoyed creating our own buses and talking about where we have been or would like to go, drawing pictures of people on the bus and having a go at labelling them – listening very carefully for […]
Measurement maths outside in Year Two
This week, Year Two have taken advantage of the warm weather and completed their maths outside. The children have been learning about centimetres and metres and were challenged to measure the lines on the playground. They even had a go at measuring each other! All the staff were impressed with how accurate they were able […]
Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots Leaderboards
This is the moment the children have been waiting for… the leader board for both Times Tables Rock Stars and our new online maths programme – Numbots. Below shows the top three times tables champions from each year group. (Year 2 to Year 6). Year 2: 1. Brooke 2. Alex C 3. Bobby Year 3: […]
Easter in Reception
The children in Reception have has a fantastic week learning all about the origins of the Christian Festival of Easter. As well as talking about the changes in nature around springtime, they have baked chocolate Easter cakes, created Easter collages, completed Easter maths work and been on an amazing Easter treasure hunt. The children collected […]
QR Code Maths in Year Two
The children in year two have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes. In maths, they had to move around the room and collect the 2D shapes and their properties on their answer sheet. They checked their answers by scanning QR codes using the iPads. Well done everyone!
Year 3- YOU ROCK!
Well… what can we say about our incredible Year 3 class? Last week they embarked on one of the greatest challenges of their life…the city wide ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ championship. They played tirelessly for four days against schools from across Stoke on Trent and the children deserve to be commended for their determination and […]
A busy week in Year Four
Year Four have been working their socks off again this week. We have been learning about and exploring fraction in Maths and been showing off our wonderful Year Four quality writing, inspired by The hundred mile an hour dog by Jeremy Strong. We have also started our new science topic by showing what we think […]
Practical Maths in Year Six
Year Six have been calculating the new cost of items when a percentage is discounted. For this, they have been searching the Kids clothing section on Asda’s ‘George’ page for an outfit. They have then discounted different percentages from these items of clothing to work out their new price. With spring only around the corner, […]
Rockin’ out in Year Three!
Year Three are having a totally awesome Times Tables Rock Stars day! They have been working their socks off to improve their times tables knowledge and speed throughout the week and we are so proud of their dedication. Well done Year Three, you are all rock heroes in the making!