Year Two have been showing their understanding of tens and ones in maths. They used the concrete resources to create different numbers and then used a tens and ones charts to create numbers written in words. Brilliant understanding!
Category Archives: Maths
Reception Number work
Reception have been busy practising their counting skills this week with a range of number songs and rhymes. Here we are singing the song, 1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive. We are showing you 5 fingers. Great counting Reception!
Welcome back Year Six
Year Six have settled well to the new academic year. They have all engaged well in the new English topic, Alma, and are showing great determination with conversion in maths. We have began to look at our first topic, The Victorians, and children have shown some great knowledge of this area already. It’s great to […]
First week in Year Four
We have come to the end of our first full week back at school and the children have continued to amaze us with their hard work. This week they have recapped learning from previous years in English and started to learn about shapes and their properties in Maths. They have also started work linked to […]
Year One’s Home Learning
We are so proud of our Year One’s who despite isolation have been producing work to be very proud of! Well done to every one of you, it has been super to see your smiling faces and the fab learning you have completed! We can’t wait to see you back in school next week. 🏫
Year Five Science Week
Throughout the week, Year Five have completed their science enquiry which focused on the design of boats and what shape of boat helped to overcome water resistance most effectively. We designed a range of boats of different shapes and tested them all on our own waterway! Afterwards, we discussed our results and decided which shape […]
Year One’s Subtraction
Year One have been working hard this week, finding subtraction number bonds to 10 and 20 as well as using a number line to subtract. They love to start their work practically, working in pairs or teams to solve problems and are expert apparatus handlers! They’ve also been very posh, using ‘subtraction’ instead of ‘take […]
A busy week in Year Three
Year Three have been working very hard this week! They’ve been observing a variety of different rocks as part of their new Science topic, performing hilarious poetry and finding equivalent fractions just to name a few. Enjoy your week off Year Three – you deserve it!!
Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots Leaderboards
This is the moment the children have been waiting for…the leader board for both Times Tables Rock Stars and our new online maths programme – Numbots. Below shows the top three times tables champions from each year group. (Year 2 to Year 6). Year 2: Brooke Harper Alex C Year 3: 1. Finley 2. Mylene […]
Water in Year One!
Year One have been working hard this week on their vocabulary. They’re re-writing the story of ‘Vlad and the Great Fire of London’ and have impressed us with their ability to use words they’ve learned from the story – like feasted and flickering! 🐀 In Maths they’ve been using words to describe capacity – sorting […]