Computing in Reception

Reception have been developing their computing skills this week by programming the Beebots to move around the carpet and painting firework pictures using Purple Mash. Well done Reception. The next steps for the Beebots are to programme them to move to a specific location. This is something that we will be working on, over the […]

TTRS Year 6 City Wide Rock Off

Our Year 6 children were nothing less than inspirational during the city wide rock off that took place during the final week of the last half term. They battled tirelessly in the competition and played at every available opportunity including giving up their break and lunch times to ensure their class ranked highly on the […]

Broomstick rides in Nursery!

This week we learnt a new song called ‘5 little ghosts on a witches broom’, we carefully counted the ghosts and each time one flew away we re-counted. Our counting to 5 is amazing and we even tried showing the right amount of fingers for a challenge!

Place Value in Year Five

In Year Five we have been learning all about Place Value using concrete and pictorial representations of a number. Here are Year Five investigating the values of each different digit using concrete resources.

Year One’s Plant Hunt

Year One have been venturing around the school looking for a variety of plants 🌱 They had to work in pairs to search and then create a tally chart to chart how many of the different varieties they found. There were a surprising number of daisies still out and they found dandelion clocks to blow. […]

Science in Year Four

After looking at the nutritional data on food packaging, the children collected data on the fat and sugar content. They presented the data collected in bar charts and then drew conclusions from their findings. All of the Science work the children have produced over the past couple of weeks will be used to create a […]

Tenths and Hundredths in with manipulatives

Year Six children have been learning the relationship between tenths, hundredths and ones in maths. They used the Diene’s apparatus to model decimal values and wrote these as both numbers and fractions.

Year One’s Crocodile Maths!

Year One have been working out greater than and less than using the hungry crocodile to help! 🐊 The crocodile only ever wants to eat the big, juicy number and so his jaws snap that way! We started with apparatus, moved on to using pictures and then we used numbers! Year One were never tricked […]

Maths in Year Six

Children have been learning the concept of place value and the importance of ten within it this week. In doing this, children have practised, using counters, ‘exchanging’ values within a number.

Dinosaur World in Reception

Reception have immersed themselves in Dino world this week. They have had a fantastic time investigating and measuring dinosaur bones, creating dinosaur artwork, rescuing baby dinosaurs from frozen eggs and learning all about where the dinosaurs used to live, the history of the dinosaurs and why they disappeared. The children were fascinated and enjoyed sorting […]