Maths Careers in Year Six

For Maths Career Day, children have looked at how different professions use maths. They have spent the morning completing different mathematical problems related to a range of different professions such as hairdressing, gardening, business and catering to name but a few. Here is a photo of the children in action:

Year One’s computer wizardry! 

Year One have been using the laptops this week as part of their Computing lessons. They logged in to Purple Mash, created their own avatar and learned why we might use an avatar instead of a real life photograph to help to keep us safe online. The avatars are somewhat crazy with wild hair and […]

Year Six maths relay

Year Six have been recapping their knowledge of fractions with a maths relay. Children had to answer one question as a team and bring their answer to me. If they got it right on the first time, they were awarded 2 points and could choose the next question for them to all work on. If […]

Snowflake’s Rule! 

Hello Hillside Elves! Snowflake here again and what an adventure I’ve had this week! I was spotted hanging my washing in Year Three – how embarrassing – but then I soon recovered myself and spent Tuesday ruling the school! Do you know, I was very relaxed (and very warm as the heater was on full […]

12 Days Wild Mid Winter Challenge

Fancy getting out and enjoying nature during the Christmas holidays? 12 Days Wild is Staffordshire Wildlife Trust’s mini Christmas challenge, encouraging you to do one wild thing a day from the 25th December to the 5th January. In those weird days between Christmas and New Year, winter wildlife is just waiting to be explored! Your wild acts could be little things to help nature – […]

Santa’s Little Helper

Reception and Nursery had a very special visitor, Splash, an American Miniature pony. She came, along with a letter from Santa explaining that she was checking up on the children before Christmas. The children were enthralled and all took turns giving Splash a stroke and whispering their Christmas wish into her ear.

Free school meals – are you eligible?

Did you know …… just registering your child for Free School Meals means that the school benefits from extra money? A government initiative provides all children in classes Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 with a free school meal.  All other classes will pay the current rate charged for school meals unless they qualify for […]

Year Six TT Rock Star Results

Thursday’s contest was very close, with the girls achieving 239 points and the boys 360. Yesterday’s result put the boys ahead on points, however, when they scored 1012 points to the girl’s 400, this averages out at 80 points per boy and 49 points per girl. This average means the boys take the crown as […]

Year Six TT Rock Stars competition

Don’t forget to log on to TT Rock Stars today and do your bit to help your team out. It’s boys vs girls again and it’s currently very close! The winners of both Friday’s and today’s competition will be announced later on. Good luck!

Forthcoming events at Hillside – update

Please note that due to classes self-isolating we have postponed our Winter Wonderland  filming to Thursday. Children will only require their coats, scarves and gloves and are invited to bring in something festive to wear on their heads or in their hair.