Important Message

Dear Parents / Carers, First of all,  a thanks for your patience and understanding over the last few days. The amount of re-organising and planning that has needed to take place has been mammoth. We have fully appreciated the messages of support and thanks and for the kindness that has been shown. We are currently […]

Rock Star Day!!!

Hey Rockerrrssss!!   As you are probably aware, our annual Rock Star Day has had to be cancelled booooooo!!! However, that won’t stop us rocking out to our favourite tunes and practising our key maths skills. I’m sure you all had your outfits prepared and ready to go so why not dress up still? There […]

An exciting Science event!

A once in a 400 year event is happening now and you, your children and your families can be part of it! The GREAT CONJUNCTION is at its peak on the 21st December 2020. This is the point at which Jupiter and Saturn are almost on top of each other in the sky. The closest they have […]

Christmas Message from Derek Gray, Chair of Governors

To Staff, Children and Parents at Hillside Primary School, I have been involved as a Governor at Hillside Primary School for a number of years and it has always been an honour I have much appreciated. Visiting the school is always a most enjoyable experience, I am always made to feel welcome by both the […]

A busy final day in Year Four

Well, what a busy time we have had in Year Four this week! From designing and making cards, calendars and tree decorations to completing a whole range of Christmas related activities, Miss McCann’s elves are now exhausted! Thankfully, they did manage to find time yesterday to enjoy their Christmas lunch, play some outdoor games, complete […]

Year Six boxes and last day

Children have enjoyed their last day of the term by watching A Christmas Carol, doing a Pub Quiz (with a soft drink and crisps) and finishing off their CAD boxes for Santa. Here are some of the completed box designs.

Reflection on 2020 and lots of Thanks! 

As we approach the end of 2020, we want to extend our thanks to you – now more than ever.    First of all, thank you for putting great trust in us, both to care for and to educate your children, this year in particular, when there must have been times of real worry for all […]

Hillside Christmas Dinner

What a fantastic festive feast we’ve enjoyed today! Although it’s been a little different to how we usually enjoy Christmas Dinner at Hillside, we have still enjoyed the delicious turkey, stuffing and even the sprouts! The tunes and festive cheer made it a lovely occasion. Happy Christmas! 🎄

Festive Fun in Reception

The children have had a lovely last day of term. It started with a sprout hunt for Santa’s sprouts. We managed to find all 100 of them. We checked by counting them in twos then tens. At home time Mrs Claus had collected the sprouts for Santa’s dinner  and replaced them with chocolate ones, with […]

This Week’s Headteacher Awards – Thursday 17th December 2020

The end of the school week is always our favourite time and it’s not because it’s nearly the weekend!!!! It is because we get the opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our amazing children. It has been a particularly busy week but we feel that today, more than ever, that it is important to celebrate […]