Key messages from Stoke-on-Trent Council 

This half term will provide a welcome break for families who have been home-schooling. Children and parents can take some well-deserved time off and recharge the batteries.   However you decide to spend the break – please remember that lockdown restrictions still apply, so please continue to follow Government guidelines.       Testing:  There is […]

Celebrating and promoting Kindness 

Stoke-on-Trent was recently voted the Kindest City in the UK. With Random Acts of Kindness day on 17 February here at Stoke Reads we thought this would be the perfect time to celebrate all things kind in this city. We will be running a host of activities for families and schools to get involved with. […]

Safer Internet Day 2021

Children, we hope that you have had lots of discussions and thoughts around how to stay safe online today. We have enjoyed receiving your Be SMART posters filled with lots of important messages and reminders- Well done! Parents, our world is increasingly dominated by online technology. Here are a few posters to help you to […]

Safer Internet Day – useful guidance for parents/carers

The online world is posing an ever-increasing risk to children and it is important that schools, parents and carers work together to take an active role in teaching children about online dangers and how to act safely when using the internet. Hillside Primary School always recommend that parents and carers with parental responsibility, monitor the […]

Year Two Home and School Learning

I think there is only one way we can start this post: WOW! Mr Mellor, Miss Pinnington and Mrs Toye have been blown away by the super home learning that year two have been producing both in school and at home. Every single child has stepped up to the challenges set and continue to make […]

Year Six’s super home-learning

Year Six have been working incredibly hard at home. Their effort and determination continues to blow the socks off Mr Frost, who looks forward to seeing their hard work every day. Here is just a snapshot of some of the fabulous work produced so far by the Year Six children.  

Year Five Home Learning

Throughout this entire unit of home learning, Year Five have continued to make us all proud by producing lots of creative pieces of work. We have continued to be inspired by our Vikings topic of work by designing our own longships and Viking coins. We have applied our science learning on Earth and Space by […]

Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 9th February

Tomorrow is Safer Internet Day! Here is a reminder of the task: Children must decorate the Be SMART poster, which can be found in their home learning pack, in whatever way they wish. It could be pictures of technology, the Be SMART information or with lovely patterns. Once they have finished, please take a photo […]

Year Three Home Learning

Year Three have been working extremely hard at home and in school. They have been completing lots of work including writing a diary entry of an explorer, creating an Ancient Egyptian timeline, designing fruit skewers and learning all about our muscles and skeletons. We are so impressed by their hard work and want to say […]

Career of the Month – Adult Nurse

We have created a board in sharing information of different careers available to the children. This will be changed each month. Our career this month is an Adult Nurse – a very important role that we couldn’t live without… as has been highlighted over the past year!