COVID19 Safety Request

Dear Parents and Carers, We have been approached by a few concerned parents about safety measures which aren’t being adhered to this week and activity which is making social distancing difficult to adhere to. We have been asked to remind all of the following: All persons on site are asked to wear a face covering […]

Reminder: you can access tests for twice-weekly testing

How to get a rapid lateral flow test There are different ways to get a test for pupils, students and staff of schools and colleges, and members of their households, childcare and support bubbles in England who do not have symptoms of coronavirus. Members of households, childcare or support bubbles of pupils, students and staff […]

British Science Week in Year One

Welcome back to Year One who have amazed us with their smiles, super effort and energy since returning to school! As part of our learning during British Science Week, we have ventured outside to spot signs of seasonal change and have continued to observe patterns over time. We found daisies, daffodils, curled up leaves and […]

Welcome back to school!

It was brilliant to welcome all the children back into school today. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces on the playground this morning and around the school building during the day. We hope that parents have enjoyed seeing the children back into school and that the children have had a good first […]

Year Four – World Book Day with Dr Lynne Bianchi

On World Book Day, Year Four were very fortunate to be able to ‘meet’ Dr Lynne Bianchi, the author of Smart Pickings book, for a question and answer session. Lynne told us all about her early life, how she trained to be a primary teacher and how she now works at Manchester University, working to […]

Book Week in Nursery

It has been such an exciting week for the Nursery children both at home and school with lots of different book week activities to enjoy. The children have been very busy writing book reviews, making bookmarks, creating their own under the sea scene and story, reading lots of new stories and lots more! Here are […]

Book Week in Reception

What a fabulous week Reception have had for our last week of Lockdown and also for our Book Week. We have had so many exciting activities to choose from and had the opportunity to be as creative as possible. We have produced some amazing pieces of work and learned so many new things. We loved […]

Year One’s World Book Week

Year One have loved World Book Week, investigating their gifted text, ‘Where the sea meets the shore’ and ‘Flotsam’ and finding out more about the sea and the creatures hidden in there. They have written amazing acrostic poems, thought about what characters may say and designed super bookmarks. The children in school had a pirate […]

Book Week in Year Two

It has been lovely to see our amazing year twos enjoying book week. Thank you for sending in your pictures of reading, baking, quizzing, researching, making and everything else that comes with the fun of book week! Below is just a small selection of what we have received. Amazing year two! Have a well-deserved rest […]

Book Week in Year Three!

What a super week we’ve had this week! Year Three have been very busy during Book Week completing amazing work. They have enjoyed painting and researching different sea creatures, creating masks and bookmarks and sharing their favourite books. We hope you had a great time snuggling up with a book each day!