Back to School for Year Four

It has been wonderful having everyone in Year Four back where they belong! We have had a super busy week working together again, and as part of British Science Week, we have been involved in a STEM challenge to build the tallest tower, been identifying, classifying and sorting solids, liquids and gases and been observing […]

World Sleep Day 2021

World Sleep Day is officially next Friday, but as that is also Comic Relief, we have decided to celebrate a week early at Hillside, especially after a tiring first week back for many of our children! The children have been learning today about how sleep can help to keep them physically and mentally healthy, alongside […]

Welcome Back Year Three

It’s been fantastic to see all Year Three’s smiles back in school this week. They have settled back in beautifully and have been working so hard already! As part of British Science Week, we have been investigating materials and forces. We explored how some solid materials can change and had a competition to see who […]

Welcome Back Year Five

Year Five have made a super return back to school this week. They have been celebrating British Science Week by conducting scientific enquiries for our materials topic. For their first enquiry they went outside to observe which materials they could identify and the properties of them. Afterwards, they used these properties to explain why the […]

Hillside’s Writing Competition

Well done to all our amazing children for their response to our writing competition. There were lots of amazing pieces entered into the competition and this made it so difficult for the class teachers to decide on an overall winner. The children who won the competition were awarded with an Amazon voucher and there were […]

Nursery’s Investigation for British Science Week

As part of British Science Week, Nursery have been learning about the importance of washing our hands to get rid of the nasty germs. We talked about how important it is to use soap when washing our hands and then used pepper (as the germs) and investigated what happened when we don’t use soap and […]

Science Week in Reception

Reception have had a very exciting return to school. On Monday, we started a new story, the Gingerbread Man. As part of our activities, we investigated what would happen if the Gingerbread man fell into a variety of different liquids. We experimented with water, coke, vinegar and oil. Straight away, the Gingerbread man in the […]

Welcome Back Year Two

It has been lovely to welcome back Year Two this week. They have quickly settled back into our routines and are already producing some cracking work! This week, the children took part in an investigation as part of British Science Week. They have been learning about materials and have been introduced to the words opaque, […]


It’s been one month since Safer Internet Day. Thank you to all those children who sent in a Be SMART poster or created one in school. It’s great to see so many children at Hillside know how to stay safe when using the internet.

Year Six science

During Monday’s lesson Year Six’s discussed variables which change within a fair test. We discussed how we could create a fair test, and investigated the effectiveness of how animals use different beaks when hunting for food. Children used different pieces of equipment to represent the beaks: sharp tweezers for the sharp beak of eagles; flat […]