Autism Awareness Week 2021

At Hillside, we have been learning more about autism as part of Autism Awareness Week. Our school motto is developing the individual and we have been talking about how our differences help to make us special and unique! We have shared stories, thought about how we can help our friends and especially those who have autism in […]

Year 3- YOU ROCK!

Well… what can we say about our incredible Year 3 class? Last week they embarked on one of the greatest challenges of their life…the city wide ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ championship. They played tirelessly for four days against schools from across Stoke on Trent and the children deserve to be commended for their determination and […]

Material Poems in Year Two

Year Two have been looking at the poem Woolly Saucepan by Michael Rosen. The children have created their own versions this week as part of their materials work in Science. They first chose an object and its material. Then they mixed them up to create super poems. Well done!  

Headteacher’s Awards – Friday 26th March 2021

Congratulations to the children who received a Headteacher’s Award today. You have all displayed our school values and impressed your class teacher – well done! You are all superstars. 🌟

Online Safety

We have been made aware that children at Hillside may be using an App called Discord. This is an App that staff at Hillside are not too familiar with so we have carried out some research to ensure that we can offer the best advice and support to parents and can discuss any potential dangers […]

Nursery’s Wonderful Week

The children in Nursery have had a fantastic week, they have been reading the story Jack and the Beanstalk and enjoyed lots of exciting activities including retelling the story, creating beanstalk pictures, building beanstalks and even planting our own magic beans! We took our learning into the woods and practised carrying sticks, big and small, […]

Making Greek Pita Bread in Year Five

This week in Year Five we have been busy with our food design and technology unit. We researched, designed, made and evaluated our fantastic products all in one week! We all really enjoyed the challenge and our final products were very tasty with an authentic Greek finish. Within our English, we have focused on our […]

A busy week in Year Four

Year Four have been working their socks off again this week. We have been learning about and exploring fraction in Maths and been showing off our wonderful Year Four quality writing, inspired by The hundred mile an hour dog by Jeremy Strong. We have also started our new science topic by showing what we think […]

Practical Maths in Year Six

Year Six have been calculating the new cost of items when a percentage is discounted. For this, they have been searching the Kids clothing section on Asda’s ‘George’ page for an outfit. They have then discounted different percentages from these items of clothing to work out their new price. With spring only around the corner, […]

Rockin’ out in Year Three!

Year Three are having a totally awesome Times Tables Rock Stars day! They have been working their socks off to improve their times tables knowledge and speed throughout the week and we are so proud of their dedication. Well done Year Three, you are all rock heroes in the making!