This is the moment the children have been waiting for… the leader board for both Times Tables Rock Stars and our new online maths programme – Numbots. Below shows the top three times tables champions from each year group. (Year 2 to Year 6). Year 2: 1. Brooke 2. Alex C 3. Bobby Year 3: […]
Category Archives: Latest News
Spelling Frame
Spelling Frame is still being used regularly at home and it is fantastic to see that the children are learning and retaining the spelling rules they have been taught We thought it would be nice to share the current Spelling Frame leader board and we would like to congratulate the children who have made it […]
Earth Day Year Four
Year Four have enjoyed learning about and celebrating Earth Day by carrying out a fieldwork survey of different areas of the school to see how much humans have impacted on the environment and whether these impacts have been positive or negative. We then started to look at biodiversity within our woodland and were set a […]
Earth Day in Nursery 🌍🌎
The children in Nursery have been enjoying lots of activities today to think about the different ways that they can help to save our planet. They have been sorting recycling, exploring the sea pollution bottles using magnifying glasses and magnets, rescuing endangered species and creating a collaborative colouring to make our own Earth poster. The […]
Earth Day in Year One
Year One have had a brilliant week starting their topic work about the Great Fire of London. They have located London today using atlases. First they found Europe, then the United Kingdom and then labelling the four different countries and their capitals! (See if they can remember the country we live in and its capital!) […]
Earth Day in Year Two
The children in year two have been learning about poverty on Earth Day. They heard the stories of a child from Afghanistan and a child from the Democratic Republic of Congo whose lives are very different than their own. To help understand, they role played fetching the water from the river whilst enduring scenarios such […]
Earth Day in Year Three
For Earth Day, Year Three have been busy finding out about where the products we use every day come from and locating these countries on the map. They have also learned about Fairtrade and why it’s so important to communities across the world. They enjoyed quizzing each other on their new knowledge using their Fairtrade […]
Welcome back!
It has been lovely to welcome all the children back into school this morning. The sun was shining, and we saw lots of smiles and children happy to be back in school (and I’m sure the parents felt the same too!) We hope that you all had lots of rest and fun over the holiday, […]
Reading Rocket Summer Term Dates
Our new Reading Rocket begins on Friday 23rd April and will end on Friday 28th May (five weeks). The children must read at least five times over the week, on different days and this must be clearly recorded in their reading diary. (Children in nursery should read at least three times per week). The children who […]
A busy week in Year Three!
This week, Year Three have been working their socks off once again. They have been learning all about mummies (and some even turned into some!), drawing in the style of Ruth Heller, trying some Easter story drama activities and have even been on an Easter egg hunt around the school. They are also excited to […]