Headteacher Awards – Friday 23rd April 2021

Congratulations to the children who received a Headteacher’s Award on Friday. You have all displayed our school values and impressed your class teacher – well done! You are all superstars. 🌟

Earth Day, Light and Tales of Mr Hollow – Year Six.

Year Six had a busy week last week. We started our new science unit, ‘light’, by investigating how light travels. We made models of how this happens by using string, a torch and an object. Children were then challenged to consider, and model, how we see an object through a mirror by showing the direction […]

Earth Day in Year Five

This week we celebrated Earth day in Year Five. We considered a range of different ways in which pollution is caused alongside some of the impacts. We also explored the range of possibilities regarding how we recycle and introduced the idea of up-cycling, where we innovatively use products which have already expired into something completely […]

Nursery’s Very Egg-citing news! 

Nursery have had some chick eggs delivered this week, they are very excited to see what might happen on Monday! Here is a little picture showing them ready for their final weekend of incubation. Fingers crossed for an update on Monday!

Stay Well Mental Health Service

Mental health is of the utmost importance and the Stay Well service in Stoke-On-Trent has a wealth of resources for parents to access to support children. There are services for children who are doing okay but need some support to cope with changes or things happening in their lives, as well as further support to […]

Reading Rocket

Huge congratulations to Amelia, Sam and May who were drawn out of the hat and received the Reading Rocket prizes of an Amazon voucher! We were amazed that 100 children achieved the Reading Rocket during the spring term- congratulations to all of them for showing such dedication to reading. We hope they enjoyed their extra break, biscuits and […]

Earth Day and St George’s Day in Reception

Reception have had a lovely first week back, learning about some very special days. On Thursday, we learned all about Earth day and what we could do to help to restore our planet. The children came up with some fantastic ideas such as picking up litter and recycling it. We also learned about what we […]

Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots Leaderboards

This is the moment the children have been waiting for… the leader board for both Times Tables Rock Stars and our new online maths programme – Numbots. Below shows the top three times tables champions from each year group. (Year 2 to Year 6). Year 2: 1.       Brooke 2.       Alex C 3.       Bobby Year 3: […]

Spelling Frame

Spelling Frame is still being used regularly at home and it is fantastic to see that the children are learning and retaining the spelling rules they have been taught We thought it would be nice to share the current Spelling Frame leader board and we would like to congratulate the children who have made it […]

Earth Day Year Four

Year Four have enjoyed learning about and celebrating Earth Day by carrying out a fieldwork survey of different areas of the school to see how much humans have impacted on the environment and whether these impacts have been positive or negative. We then started to look at biodiversity within our woodland and were set a […]