Our Home Science Superstars

Miss McCann would like to say a huge thank you to those who have sent in photos of science happening at home. However, as you can see, our display is a bit empty at the moment! As you can see, we have plants being grown, cake mix changing into cakes, electrical lemons and static electricity, […]

Hillside’s Top Twenty Books of All Time!

Well the scores are in! The children have been voting all week for their favourite books of all time and this is the list of the top twenty voted by all the children at Hillside from Nursery to Year 6! I’m sure you will agree that this list contains something for everyone. As teachers, we […]

Headteacher Awards – Friday 14th May 2021

Congratulations to the children who received a Headteacher’s Award today. You have all displayed our school values and impressed your class teacher – well done! You are all superstars. 🌟

Mrs Pope’s Makeover 💆‍♀️💇‍♀️

The nursery children have been very busy today practising to be hairdressers and beauticians. They have been colouring and styling hair and putting on make up, Mrs Pope has had a day full of pampering! Well done Nursery you have done a fantastic job!  

Mental Health Awareness – Connect with Nature

This week we have been raising awareness of mental health and how important it can be to connect with nature! We have shared an assembly and now know how to bring the outside in (maybe eat brekkie by a window!), how to notice nature (using our senses to look carefully) and how to appreciate and […]

TT Rock Stars Day in Year Two

Year Two look fabulous today! They’ve come dressed as rock stars ready to take on the challenge of becoming the best year two class in Stoke-on-Trent with their times tables. The competition started yesterday and runs until Friday. So far, Hillside are second on the schools leaderboard and year two are third on the classes […]

Importance of Self-Esteem – Training for Parents 

Through Parentmail, you have received a letter about training for parents on the 20th May at 6pm via Teams. Donna Mountford, from Staywell, is offering a course in Understanding Self-Esteem and Building Resilience and there is still time to sign up for the training which will provide lots of ideas for supporting your children and […]

Number Day in Year Five

Year Five have thoroughly enjoyed number day. This morning, we had our number scavenger hunt where we were set the challenge of using the numbers we had come to school in. We found prime numbers, square numbers and used the numbers to answer a series of tricky questions. Throughout the day, we have also been […]

Number Day in Year Two

Year Two have enjoyed a wonderful Number Day today. They started the day playing maths games with their friends. Afterwards, the children linked their history work based on Christopher Columbus by using directional language to plot Columbus’ journey to The Americas on a map. This afternoon, the children took part in a number hunt before […]

Number Day – Maths in Science – Year Six

It was great to see so many different numbers in Year Six today. We started the day completing a fractions focused, Bletchley Park style code breaking activity. Children had to break the code in order to read the message but they had to answer some tricky maths problems first. We then gave the children 50 […]