Year One’s Star Bakers! 

As part of our learning in English about how to write instructions, we have had to follow them! We baked our own bread, talking about Thomas Farrinor and his bakery in London where the Great Fire began. We followed carefully, didn’t miss any steps and creating a cracking brown loaf and a focaccia too – […]

Crocodiles in Year Two

After completing ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ in English, year two have moved on to writing non-chronological reports about crocodiles. Before they start the writing, the children have been using what they learnt about presenting information by creating a fact file all about crocodiles. They even combined their science learning and talked about the crocodiles structure and […]

Headteacher Awards – Friday 11th June 2021

Congratulations to the children who received a Headteacher’s Award today. You have all displayed our school values and impressed your class teacher – well done! You are all superstars. 🌟A  

Year One’s Subtraction

Year One have been working hard this week, finding subtraction number bonds to 10 and 20 as well as using a number line to subtract. They love to start their work practically, working in pairs or teams to solve problems and are expert apparatus handlers! They’ve also been very posh, using ‘subtraction’ instead of ‘take […]

Reading Rocket

Huge congratulations to Arthur (Nursery), Mary (Year 1) and Alfie (Year 5) who were drawn out of the hat and received a Reading Rocket prize! We were amazed that 94 children achieved the Reading Rocket during summer term 1- congratulations to all of them for showing such dedication to reading. We hope they enjoyed their extra break, biscuits […]

Year Four Scientists

Year Four have been carrying out a comparative test to find out which liquids are the ‘best’ for our teeth. We used eggs to represent our teeth, as the egg shell is very similar to teeth, and we tested: water, flavoured water, Fanta, cordial, pure apple juice, pure orange juice, smoothie, milk, Pepsi max and […]

Reading Rocket Summer Term Dates

Our new Reading Rocket begins on Friday 11th June and will end on Friday 16th July. (5 Weeks) The children must read at least five times over the week, on different days and this must be clearly recorded in their reading diary. (Children in nursery should read at least three times per week). The children who achieve […]

Year Six Arrive at Stanley Head

Year Six have arrived at Stanley Head for their five day residential. The children spent the morning settling in and exploring the grounds. This afternoon, the children used their collaborative skills for team building tasks and then embarked on a a competitive shoot out at the rifle range!  They are excited for other activities this […]

Maya work in Year Four

As we are learning about the Maya civilisation in history, and the importance of the Gods within their culture, we decided to make the most of the dry weather and sit outside to create Maya Gods’ eyes. We used our creative talents to produce some beautiful patterns in our designs. What a lovely end to […]

A busy week in Year Three

Year Three have been working very hard this week! They’ve been observing a variety of different rocks as part of their new Science topic, performing hilarious poetry and finding equivalent fractions just to name a few. Enjoy your week off Year Three – you deserve it!!