On Wednesday, some members of Year Three were invited to explore the Caudwell Children’s Centre in Keele. They took part in lots of crafty activities and took part in a scavenger hunt in the sensory garden.
Category Archives: Latest News
Year One’s Jan Griffier Art
Year One have been finding out about Jan Griffier and studying his artwork closely. They have created their own masterpieces in the style of his painting created in 1675 – a few years after the Great Fire of London. They used different paints to create a wash, add a foreground of buildings and houses and […]
Stay Well Support for Young People and Parents
Please see the below message from the Stay Well Support Service in Stoke-On-Trent: Stay Well is a mental health service which supports children aged 8-18. We are made up of 3 providers: Changes YP, North Staffs Mind and the Dove Service. We offer various psychoeducational workshops to help children to understand any distress they are […]
Shark Shack ready to attack!
Over the past few weeks a group of our Year 6’s have been taking part in a very exciting careers project. They were invited to take part in a national challenge to design a new ride / attraction for Waterworld. The team worked extremely hard researching, designing and promoting their ride and presented this and […]
FREE Stoke City Daughter and Dads programme
Hi All, Stoke City Community Trust are running another 11 week ‘Daughters and Dads’ programme beginning on Tuesday, July 13th from 6pm-7.30pm at the bet365 stadium. DADS is a free physical activity and education programme for 5-11 years old girls and their fathers/father-figures who want to be more active together. There will again […]
Judaism in Year One
Year One have been finding out more about sacred places today as part of their RE learning. They’ve been investigating artefacts from inside the synagogue, handling special artefacts and thinking about their jobs. They particularly liked the Yad which is a silver pointer used to read the Torah and the menorah which holds candles during […]
Advice from the Director of Public Health
The seven-day rate of coronavirus cases in Stoke-on-Trent is now 85 per 100,000 people, for the week 11 June – 17 June 2021. There continues to be a significant increase of cases in the city, increase of 71.7 per cent on the previous seven days. The percentage of people who have had a test and tested positive is 2.5 per […]
Headteacher Awards – Friday 18th June 2021
Congratulations to the children who received a Headteacher’s Award on Friday. You have all displayed our school values and impressed your class teacher – well done! You are all superstars. 🌟A
RSE Day 2021
At Hillside today we have all been thinking about healthy relationships as part of RSE Day. We have talked about what makes a healthy relationship and our friendships. We used words like kind, caring, smiley, compassionate, respectful, thoughtful and many others! We all talked about how we care for others and others can care for […]
Project Potterbot
As part of Hillside’s science week, Year Four children have been involved in the STEM project ‘Potterbot’. This project, created specifically for Stoke-on-Trent, and funded by the Science Across the City project, introduced us to thinking about ‘learning machines’ and their uses in our lives and possibilities for our futures. We were also introduced to […]