First week in Year Four

We have come to the end of our first full week back at school and the children have continued to amaze us with their hard work. This week they have recapped learning from previous years in English and started to learn about shapes and their properties in Maths. They have also started work linked to […]

Year One’s First Week

A HUGE well done to Year One who have returned to school brilliantly! They have impressed us so much with their super skills, the interesting facts that they have shared, and they have been working more and more in their teams, creating masterpieces that show that teamwork makes the dream work! We are enjoying our […]

Reception Senses Walk

Reception have been busy learning all about their senses this week and how they help us to find out more about the world around us.  We went on a senses walk around the school grounds to see what we could find. We found lots of things that we could see, hear, touch, taste and smell […]

Welcome Back

As we near the end of our first full week back in school we wanted to say a huge welcome back to the new school year. It’s been lovely to be able to return with a little more normality. The children have eagerly shared their experiences from their 6-week break and are happy to be […]

Hillfest 2021

This year we tried something a lite bit different for our Year 6 leavers. As you know we traditionally organise a prom but this year we created Hillfest, a magical, colourful event filled with glitter, selfies, music, fun and laughter. It was a fantastic afternoon, enjoyed by all. A lovely treat for our amazing leavers […]

Summer Activities in Stoke-On-Trent

Please find attached lots of ideas about things to do with your children over the summer holidays, sent from Stoke-On-Trent’s Children and Family Services. You can also find out more or information about further events by visiting the SPACE website at

Year One’s Home Learning 

We are so proud of our Year One’s who despite isolation have been producing work to be very proud of! Well done to every one of you, it has been super to see your smiling faces and the fab learning you have completed! We can’t wait to see you back in school next week. 🏫

Working hard in Year Two!

Year Two have been working very hard this week in many different areas! They’ve created codes in computing to save turtles, considered emotions and responsibilities in PSHE and learned about Bastille Day, creating amazing artwork featuring the Eiffel Tower. Super attitudes to learning in every lesson – well done Year Two! You should be very […]

French Day in Year Six

Year Six have learnt about the names of different types of food and drink today as part of their French unit ‘Setting up a Cafè’. Here are some of the children matching up French words for food and drink to the appropriate image.

Year Three Cave Artists

Year Three had a very creative day yesterday. They created Stone Age cave art using pigments and water to add colour, just like the original cave artists would have done. Then they used the technique of mono printing to add their design. We are so impressed with their final art work!