Transport Poems in Year One

Year One have created their own incredible poems this week, linking to our topic work on travel and transport. We have ordered verses and lines, added missing punctuation, listened for rhyme and talked about how different transport would move and where it would go. We then rewrote ‘Row, row, row your boat’ and performed it […]

Reception Number work 

Reception have been busy practising their counting  skills this week with a range of number songs and rhymes. Here we are singing the song, 1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive. We are showing you 5 fingers. Great counting Reception!

Year Six’s English lesson in the woods

To supplement our learning of figurative language in tension writing, children have been up to the woods to find things that they can bring to life with personification, metaphors and similes. They used their senses to take in the environment and made some wonderful comparisons. Here are some of the sentences they wrote: “The leaves […]

Year Five History

This week in their history, the Year Five children immersed themselves in their new topic of the Ancient Greeks! The children created their own accurate timelines in teams, ensuring that they considered the difference in time between each key event. By the end of the lesson, the children had gained an important understanding of the […]

PSHE in Year Three

This week, we’ve been looking at diversity in PSHE. We talked about how important it is to celebrate our differences and created jigsaw pieces which show all the of the interesting things about us that make our classroom diverse. When they are finished, we will put them together to make a Year Three jigsaw which […]

Welcome back Year Six

Year Six have settled well to the new academic year. They have all engaged well in the new English topic, Alma, and are showing great determination with conversion in maths. We have began to look at our first topic, The Victorians, and children have shown some great knowledge of this area already. It’s great to […]

Welcome back Year Three!

Year Three have had a super start to the term and have already amazed us all with their fantastic hard work. We have delved into our new topic ‘Ola Brazil’ by exploring South America, researching rainforest animals and reading ‘The Great Kapok Tree’. They have been demonstrating lots of independence and have used their growth […]

Nursery’s Transition Week

A huge well done to all of our new Nursery children. This week we have been exploring the classroom and the outdoor areas and getting to know each other. We have had lots of fun painting, colouring, creating our new role play area, listening to stories and lots more! We are so impressed with how […]

Year Two

Year Two have made an awesome start to the year. They have risen to all the challenges they have been given and all the staff in year two have been so impressed with every single child’s manners, work ethic and enthusiasm. It’s going to be an exciting year!  

Welcome back Year Five!

Year Five have enjoyed a super return to school since their holidays. They have all performed fantastically in every task which has been set and we have already seen them apply their growth mindsets lots! They particularly enjoyed Growth Mindset day on Monday, where they created autobiographies based on their future selves. The children have […]