Dinosaur World in Reception

Reception have immersed themselves in Dino world this week. They have had a fantastic time investigating and measuring dinosaur bones, creating dinosaur artwork, rescuing baby dinosaurs from frozen eggs and learning all about where the dinosaurs used to live, the history of the dinosaurs and why they disappeared. The children were fascinated and enjoyed sorting […]

History in Year Four

This week the children have continued to learn about the Romans. They took on the role of advisors to Emperor Claudius to help him to decide if he should invade Britain or not. They then found out that he did decide to invade and next week we will be finding out what happened. As always, […]

Gymnastics in Year Three

In PE this week, Year Three have worked in pairs to create some fantastic gymnastic sequences using a variety of different floor shapes. They have shown amazing creativity and team work and have helped each other to improve their shapes. Well done Year Three!  

Year One’s Local Walk

Year One thoroughly enjoyed their local walk, heading in to Milton to investigate the area that they live in! We spotted different buildings, different types of houses, different types of transport and we thought about the many different human and physical features that we saw. We really enjoyed eating our lunch at the park and […]

Concrete Maths in Year Two

Year Two have been showing their understanding of tens and ones in maths. They used the concrete resources to create different numbers and then used a tens and ones charts to create numbers written in words. Brilliant understanding!  

Internet research in Year Four

This week the children have been learning about search engines and using key phrases when searching. After practising searching during a Computing lesson, they applied these skills during a Science lesson.

Nursery: Our Bodies

This week Nursery have started their learning all about themselves. We have looked carefully at the body template and identified the different parts of the body. We then sang heads, shoulders, knees and toes and as a challenge tried to sing it really fast – ask your child to show you at home and see […]

Transport Poems in Year One

Year One have created their own incredible poems this week, linking to our topic work on travel and transport. We have ordered verses and lines, added missing punctuation, listened for rhyme and talked about how different transport would move and where it would go. We then rewrote ‘Row, row, row your boat’ and performed it […]

Reception Number work 

Reception have been busy practising their counting  skills this week with a range of number songs and rhymes. Here we are singing the song, 1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive. We are showing you 5 fingers. Great counting Reception!

Year Six’s English lesson in the woods

To supplement our learning of figurative language in tension writing, children have been up to the woods to find things that they can bring to life with personification, metaphors and similes. They used their senses to take in the environment and made some wonderful comparisons. Here are some of the sentences they wrote: “The leaves […]