Broomstick rides in Nursery!

This week we learnt a new song called ‘5 little ghosts on a witches broom’, we carefully counted the ghosts and each time one flew away we re-counted. Our counting to 5 is amazing and we even tried showing the right amount of fingers for a challenge!

Year One celebrate Shabbat

Year One have learned all about the Jewish Celebration of Shabbat. They learned about why it is special and that it is always celebrated from sunset on a Friday until sunset on a Saturday EVERY SINGLE WEEK! They then had our own Shabbat meal, pretended to light the candle sticks, ate some bread and had […]


We were fortunate enough today to welcome back Mr Such for a Harvest Assembly. Some of the Y6 children helped to lead the assembly and some of the Y4 children also assisted. The assembly finished with a harvest quiz, where the children learned more exciting facts about harvest.

Christenings in Reception

This week Reception have been learning about how Christians welcome babies into the world. The children are re-enacting the vicar sprinkling the holy water over the baby’s head whilst saying some special words. The vicar then lights a special christening candle before everybody has a party to celebrate.  

Continents in Year Two

Year Two have been learning about the continents. We have completed a number of tasks such as labelling on a map, playing games with the soft globe and creating our own balloon globes!

Place Value in Year Five

In Year Five we have been learning all about Place Value using concrete and pictorial representations of a number. Here are Year Five investigating the values of each different digit using concrete resources.

Shared Reading in Nursery

This week we have been very lucky to invite Chris from our local library into school to share some stories with us and tell us all about the exciting initiatives and events that the library hold. We loved listening to, and joining in with the stories alongside our parents and were amazed at the magic […]

Year One’s Plant Hunt

Year One have been venturing around the school looking for a variety of plants 🌱 They had to work in pairs to search and then create a tally chart to chart how many of the different varieties they found. There were a surprising number of daisies still out and they found dandelion clocks to blow. […]

English in Year Three

This week, Year Three have begun to explore non-chronological reports. They have been busy identifying common features and their purposes in preparation for writing their own reports about rainforest animals. Super work Year Three!

Pirate Treasure Maps in Reception

Reception have been working hard to create their own treasure maps to find the chest of gold on the desert island. They worked really hard describing all the features that we needed to have on there, such as the land, the sea, the trees and a pond. We think our maps look amazing and we’re […]