Year Six have started their new French topic, Notre Mondè. They have used atlases to identify the locations of some countries and put them under the appropriate continent on a table. However, there was one twist: the countries and the continents were all in French. The children did extremely well!
Category Archives: Latest News
Space Art Year Five
On their return to school this week, Year Five completed their Chesley Bonestell art project. They focused on using a fine brush to add detail alongside the light source to accurately place shadows.
Year Three Dance like an Egyptian
This afternoon, Year Three have created short dance routines using Egyptian hieroglyphs to inspire their body movements. Miss Hayward was very impressed with their creativity and team work. Well done Year Three!
Pizzas in Year Two
Children were tasked with creating a pizza that included healthy toppings. They researched common toppings that are put on pizzas, learnt how to safely cut and grate the toppings, designed their healthy pizza and created it. Afterwards, they tasted and evaluated their pizza. They did a super job!
Snakes and Ladders in Nursery🐍🎲
This week we have enjoyed playing snakes and ladders together, taking turns, counting and subitising the dots on the die and moving our counters the correct amount of spaces. We loved landing on the ladders and zooming ahead but we tried hard to avoid the snakes!🐍 🎲
Running Wild in Year Four
This week we have started reading our new class text ‘Running Wild’ written by Michael Morpurgo which links to our Rainforest topic. It is a very chunky book but the children listened really carefully to the first chapter and could recall all of the main parts. The story is set in Indonesia so we have […]
Year One Atlas Exploration!
Year One have been using atlases, globes and maps today to locate where they live in the world 🌎 They’ve learned that we are part of Europe, as well as the United Kingdom, as well as England, as well as Stoke-On-Trent! 🏴 They used the atlas to zoom in further and find out the four […]
Science fun in Reception
This afternoon, Reception explored some zoom in, zoom out pictures on Explorify. The children had to guess what the object was and say why they thought it was that. We had guesses such as ‘ I think it’s grass because it’s green’, ‘ I think it’s a plant because it has orange flowers on it’ […]
Year One’s Puppets!
Year One have been tasked with making a toy puppet for a friend as part of their DT learning. They had to test lots of different puppets and work out how they were constructed, test their own joining techniques, design and make a puppet, then evaluate it, working out what they liked and what they […]
Reception Showcase
Reception had a fantastically creative time at their showcase on Friday. The singing was beautiful as were the various pieces of artwork that the children created. There was even a treasure hunt linked to one of our favourite stories.