Special Delivery 📦 in Nursery 

This week the children have had a very egg-citing delivery. A parcel arrived with tape that said ‘Fragile’ wrapped all around it. We carefully opened it and inside found 6 eggs, we have placed them in the incubator and are eagerly awaiting to see what happens. We have made our predictions and the children think […]

Computing in Year Six

Year Six have started their coding unit this week. Using Scratch, an online, coding programme, children have managed to create a game in which users earn points for clicking on moving objects. They learned about variables, loops, coding blocks and how to debug.

Observations over time in Science – Year Four

The children have been developing their Science skills by learning how to read a thermometer during an investigation. They collected the temperature of two samples of water over time. They noticed how cold water got warmer over time and warm water got colder. How interesting!

Computing in Reception

As part of our learning about the Gingerbread Man story, we talked about the route he took when he ran away. We then used a range of ICT equipment to create out own routes. We had to think carefully about where we wanted our Beebots and our bees  to finish and then program our equipment […]

Gymnastics in Year One

As part of their PE lessons, Year One have been combining their gymnastic skills! Year One had to create sequences that used travel, jumping, rolling and a straddle position with lots of different apparatus. They worked extremely hard to improve their techniques, listening carefully and moving steadily with some super finishing positions too. You can […]

Year Six Non-Chronological Reports 

Year Six children have started to write their non-chronological reports about Hillside for both the aliens, who crashed at Hillside during last week’s book week, and for the website for any other would-be visitors to find out a bit about our great school. Here is an example so far.

Super Science in Year Three

This week our Year Three scientists investigated the surface for a toy car to travel on. They worked in teams to perform comparative tests and measured the distance the cars had travelled on each one. Next week, they will present their data and draw conclusions from their findings. Well done Year Three!  

Jumbled Sentences in Year Two

Year Two have been reading the story ‘Jack and The Beanstalk’. This week, they showed their understanding of the story by unjumbling a set of words to create sentences with conjunctions. They explored the high-level vocabulary used in the sentences – super team work!  

On The Farm Yoga – Nursery

Nursery have enjoyed stretching their bodies to an ‘On the Farm’ themed yoga session. We moved along to Old McDonald had a Farm and pretended to be a chick , horse and cow. We then got stuck in some mud! What a fantastic adventure on the farm.🐴🐄🐖🐑

Song and dance in Reception

This week as part of our Christianity topic, we have been learning about Palm Sunday. In this picture, the children are re-enacting through song and dance, Jesus arriving in town on a donkey. The disciples are leading the way and the townsfolk are singing and dancing to celebrate his arrival. The song is called Jump […]