Shape in Year Two

This term, Year Two have learnt about shape. They have learnt about the many properties of shapes and in this lesson, they sorted shapes in various ways.  

Year Three Rock Stars

On Thursday, Year Three spent the day rockin’ out for Times Table Rockstars Day. They transformed into their rockstar characters and worked really hard to improve their times tables by playing games and competing in tournaments. The boys were victorious against the girls and we are waiting to see where we placed on the Stoke-on-Trent […]

Computing in Nursery

This term, we have been learning to use the computers in lots of different ways. We have been playing phonics games to help us with blending as writing sounds to label pictures. We have been finding different games on PurpleMash to link to our learning of the week and been using a paint programme to […]

Burning Houses in Year One!

PYear One have been working on their design and technology skills this week, creating a house from 1666 and using a lever to set the house on fire! 🔥 They have investigated books with moving parts then tested three different levers (one that went up and down, one left to right and one that use […]

Three Little Pigs Artwork in Reception

This week we have been learning about and retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs. For our artwork, we decided to combine a range of media to recreate the three houses. We used different  techniques such as drawing, collaging, printing, cutting and gluing to combine the materials.  We think they will look amazing on […]

Computer aided design in Year Four

The children are designing and making a memory box for Will from the story Running Wild. They are using a tool called 2design and make to create their designs and once printed they will be assembling their boxes.

Autism Awareness and Acceptance

This week is Autism Awareness and Acceptance Week and we’ve shared an assembly today to talk about what autism is, how autistic people may think differently and we have also discussed how differences make us special 🧩 Some of the children shared their own experiences of being autistic or about autistic people in their family […]

Mother’s Day Assembly

This week the children have been thinking about their Mummy’s / Nanny’s and why they are special to them. We have learnt about Mother’s Day and how it is a special day for our Mummy’s/ Nanny’s, to say thank you we have been busy practising a Mother’s Day assembly as a special treat. We have […]

Computing in Year Two

Year Two have been learning how to present information in different ways. Last week, we explored 2Connect to create a food diary mind map. We then continued this lesson in science and learnt about healthy eating. This week, we explored 2Paint, and presented a piece of Clarice Cliff pottery before having a go on paper […]

Practical Maths in Year Three

Earlier this week, Year Three explored dividing with remainders using lollipop sticks to divide by 3, 4 and 5. If their shape had sides missing, they knew they had remainders. They then used this understanding to solve abstract problems. Well done Year Three!