World Environment Day

Last week, we finally got the chance to celebrate World Environment Day at Hillside. Each class completed an activity, either appreciating the outdoors or learning about an issue that is affecting the planet. All of the children fully engaged and had a lovely day.

The Dog’s Trust

Alison from the Dog’s Trust came to deliver an assembly today. She told us all about the work they do caring for dogs that don’t have homes. She also taught us how to respect dogs and behave sensibly around them, giving us some useful tips to share at home and consider next time we see […]

Transition week for Nursery

Nursery have had a fantastic week in Reception. They have made lots of new friends and tried lots of new activities. They have wowed Mrs Ashton and Mrs Dixon with their phonic knowledge, sang lots of amazing counting rhymes and showed the numbers on their fingers, produced some beautiful artwork and tried mindfulness colouring which […]

The New Year One!

The new Year One have had a brilliant week settling in to their new surroundings! They’ve shown their super writing and maths skills when learning, impressed us with their teamwork and have already started to grow in independence! Well done everyone – we can’t wait for September! ⭐️

Stone Age Art in Year Three

This week Year Three have had a go at mono printing using their designs which were inspired by Stone Age cave paintings and traced over them. The children were very careful not to get themselves or their artwork very messy! They were thrilled with the results and will be using this technique to create their […]

Year One’s Peak Wildlife Visit

Year One visited Peak Wildlife Park this week to find out more about animals! They talked about how to classify animals (and found lots of mammals and birds!) and also considered different animal’s diets and whether this made them herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. We also studied the Humboldt penguin closely and learned that it came […]

Reading Café in Year Five

Year Five have enjoyed a reading café this week where they have investigated an unseen book. They carefully read the first page and considered the genre and if it was a book they would usually enjoy. Once they did this they unwrapped the book further to find more details.  

Mayan artefacts in Year Four

During history, the children explored Mayan artefacts and tried to help them understand the Mayan culture. We learnt that they were one of the first civilisations to create chocolate.

Nursery’s First Sports Day 

The children had a fantastic time on Wednesday, competing in their first sports day. They all did amazingly well and completed a sprint, an obstacle course, the bean bag race and the teddy on the tray race. Well done Nursery, you superstars!

Hot and Cold Places in Year Two

The children have been learning about the hot and cold places in the world. They then presented Hillside Weather and spoke about the weather locally, using lots of great vocabulary. Then, they explored climate change and made pieces of art outside with an SOS for the world.