This week, Year Five have been learning about applying different powers of ten. They revisited Gattegno charts, something they found very tricky last week, and used them confidently to solve problems involving different powers of ten. Well done Year Five for this fantastic application of growth mindset and perseverance (a word we have been defining […]
Category Archives: Latest News
Science in Year Three
In Science this week, we used a ‘special’ app on the iPad to take X-rays of different body parts. The children were amazed by how many bones there are in a human body. After the children were given a bag of bones and had to use all of them to create a skeleton.
Reception: Jesus blesses the children
This week we have been learning about Jesus, who is a special person to Christians. We listened to the story of Jesus blessing the children and learned how originally the disciples didn’t believe children to be important enough to meet Jesus. However, Jesus told them that all children were special and he wanted to bless […]
Celebrating the life of Queen Elizabeth in Reception
This morning Reception have been celebrating the life of Queen Elizabeth. We watched the clip of Paddington having afternoon tea with the Queen before making our own jam and marmalade sandwiches. We then drew pictures of the Queen before having afternoon tea in own beautifully decorated dining room. πΈ
Science in Year Two
Year two have been taking their science learning outdoors this week. Their topic is Living Things and their Habitats. The children went out to search for things they considered living. We then discussed what non-living things were and things that were dead. These were all in our woodland habitat, a new piece of vocabulary for […]
Map work in Year Three
Year Three have been learning about South America. They used atlases to locate the different countries and capital cities. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking more closely at Brazil.
History in Year Four
Year Four have been using their archaeologist skills this week during their history lesson when uncovering Celtic artefacts, and using clues from them to learn about what life was like in Celtic Britain before the Roman invasion.
Forces in Year Five
Within class this week, we have continued to explore our new science unit of forces. We have begun to look closely at gravity and the significant scientist Isaac Newton. Here are a selection of images of the children preparing our investigation where we are going to take precise measurements using force metres.
Year One’s Transport Poems
Year One have been studying poetry this week, all about transport and travel in their local area! π They talked about the different forms of transport they might see, labelled transport and its parts and then practised familiar poems with different words.π Once they knew the different versions of the poems they added actions and […]
Year Six: Investigating length
Children have been investigating the concept of length by making estimations regarding the size of different objects and features in the playground. They then measured using either metre sticks or rulers the actual length of these. As the lesson progressed, it was evident that children were beginning to grasp the concept as their estimations became […]