Year Six’s personification up the woods.

Children have been studying personification and figurative language in English. To supplement this, we have looked for inspiration up the woods to help us write our own examples.

Our New Nursery Class

The children in Nursery have been enjoying making new friendships, exploring our resources and getting used to the new nursery routines. They are all showing how amazing they are already with fantastic sharing, turn-taking and caring for their friends. Well done Nursery!

Drama in Year Four

The children explored our English text through drama this week, before using their images to write about the events in the story and also the main characters emotions as different points.  

Fairness in Year Two

In Year Two, we have been learning about fairness. The children shared times that they felt as if something had been unfair and came up with solutions for one another. We then completed an agreement circle about whether it was fair to go to bed at 7:30. Finally, we read scenarios and decided whether they […]

Year One’s Dance

Year One have been practising their dance moves during PE this week. They’ve used the story of The Smartest Giant in Town’ by Julia Donaldson and have followed music, created movements and played different characters during their performances. Can you spot where some of us were being terrified mice while the fire raged around us? […]

Place value in Year Five

This week, Year Five have been learning about applying different powers of ten. They revisited Gattegno charts, something they found very tricky last week, and used them confidently to solve problems involving different powers of ten. Well done Year Five for this fantastic application of growth mindset and perseverance (a word we have been defining […]

Science in Year Three

In Science this week, we used a ‘special’ app on the iPad to take X-rays of different body parts. The children were amazed by how many bones there are in a human body. After the children were given a bag of bones and had to use all of them to create a skeleton.

Reception: Jesus blesses the children

This week we have been learning about Jesus, who is a special person to Christians. We listened to the story of Jesus blessing the children and learned how originally the disciples didn’t believe children to be important enough to meet Jesus. However, Jesus told them that all children were special and he wanted to bless […]

Celebrating the life of Queen Elizabeth in Reception

This morning Reception have been celebrating the life of Queen Elizabeth. We watched the clip of Paddington having afternoon tea with the Queen before making our own jam and marmalade sandwiches. We then drew pictures of the Queen before having afternoon tea in own beautifully decorated dining room. 👸

Science in Year Two

Year two have been taking their science learning outdoors this week. Their topic is Living Things and their Habitats. The children went out to search for things they considered living. We then discussed what non-living things were and things that were dead. These were all in our woodland habitat, a new piece of vocabulary for […]