Year Four animators

The children have been busy exploring and creating animations, by using onion skinning and inserting backgrounds and sound effects. We definitely have some very skilled animators amongst us!

Reception Stem challenge

This week we have been investigating which material would be best for the Princess’s bed in the Princess and the Pea story. She had had a terrible night sleep due to sleeping on a hard pea. We tested paper towels, cotton wool, bubble wrap, felt and sponge. A lot of the children predicted that the […]

Number lines in Year Three

To reinforce their understanding of number lines, the children took part in a maths hunt around school. They had to think carefully about the start and end number and use these to find the middle number. Doing this helped them to figure out what number was missing.

Year One’s Geography Observations

In Geography we’ve being spying and spotting in our school grounds! 🕵️‍♀️ We talked about rural and urban areas and then thought that where we live is a mixture of the two (although mostly urban but we do have lots of fields and it isn’t far to the countryside!) 🍃 We then found different shapes, […]

P.E. in Year Five

This week in P.E., Year Five have been developing their teamwork and communication. They played lineball where they had to think carefully about positioning and defending in order to help their team earn as many points as possible.  

Understanding Search Engines in Year Two

Year Two have taken their computing outside this week. They learnt about web crawlers and played a game to simulate their important role in finding websites on the internet.  

Year One’s Maths!

Maths, maths and more maths this week! We’ve been matching numerals to words, creating bead string patterns, selling oatcakes, making block patterns, drawing shape pictures, completing jigsaws, playing snakes and ladders and cleverly showing what we know about how to make different numbers in lots of different ways! Ask us to try and show you […]

Phonics fun in Nursery

This week the children in Nursery have been using their ears to listen to the sounds of different instruments. We listened to a tambourine, cymbals and a maraca and decided to move to the instruments . We then played Ted’s Footsteps, listening to the instruments and moving the correct way to get to Miss Hewitt […]

Word classes in Year Three

The children became detectives to spot different word classes within The Great Kapok Tree. Next, they will we looking at how they can improve word choices using a thesaurus.

Maths in Reception

As part of our PSED and Maths this week, we have been talking about our favourite drinks. We put our choices onto a bar chart so that we could see which drinks were the most and least popular. We counted how many children liked each drink and discovered that apple juice was the most popular […]