Nursery’s super sorting!

This week the children we have been thinking about sorting objects. We went for a walk around the field to find some objects of different colours. When we got back to the classroom we sorted them into piles of different colours and did a fantastic job, we can’t wait to carry on sorting in different […]

Year Five’s STEM Day at RAF Cosford

Last Friday, continued our learning on forces when we visited the RAF base at Cosford. We completed three activates (Rockets, Rover Release and Asteroid Field) as well as had an informative walk around the museum and airplane hangars. Within our activities we had to think carefully about forces and how they were applied to varies […]

Kate Leake Illustrator Visit

This week’s visit from illustrator and author, Kate Leake, was truly inspirational. The children have learned so much about her life, the books she has illustrated and how to become an illustrator themselves. The children also took part in many other reading related activities such as book tasting, author of the term research, book reviews, […]

Debate in Year Three

In PSHE, our learning has been focused on communication. The children had to listen to statements and decide if the agreed or disagreed with them. They then had a debate where they shared their reasons with the rest of the class and tried to persuade others to agree with them.

Year Four Mathematicians

Year Four have been securing their understanding of place value of four digit numbers by using their place value chart to explore adding and subtracting from each column. Their hands on exploration has ensured they can observe the exchanges needed when crossing boundaries.

Year One’s Local Area Exploring!

Year One have visited Milton this week as part of their learning in Geography about the local area. They studied the houses and buildings, visiting the florist, park and chippy! 🌲 They also completed a traffic survey and found that cars were the most popular vehicle 🚗 It was amazing to study our local area […]

Reception are zooming off into space

This week Reception have been reading the story ‘Whatever Next’ about a little bear that makes his own rocket and flies into space. As well as acting out the story, we have been recreating some of the objects that you might see in space, such as the planets. We used marbling ink to create the […]

Hello Yellow 2022! 

Thank you to every single one of you for supporting Hello Yellow 2022 and dressing to impress! 💛 Wearing yellow certainly made the sun shine at Hillside and it was lovely to lead our assembly and discuss the importance of our mental health ☀️ The children could name so many emotions, knew that all emotions […]

Year Six classification grids

Year Six have been working hard on classification grids. After organising animals based on common, observable characteristics, then then worked on classifying themselves by writing their own classification grid in chalk on the playground.

Our Houses – Nursery

This week we have been looking at our houses on google maps, we have spotted out house and talked about who lives there with us. We have then been busy creating a picture of our house thinking about what colour it is and what colour door we have? The children have been amazed to see […]